FISHER, R. K. (Lt)
Source: Corpus Christi (Texas) Times - Saturday 24 September 1955 p 11
Lt. (jg) R. K. Fisher, 26, of Veedersburg, Ind., was killed yesterday afternoon when his AD Skyraider stalled and crashed in a cornfield near Cabaniss Field. Fisher was a student pilot attached to Advanced Training Unit 307. Navy spokesmen said the propeller-driven plane spun onto the field and exploded 100 yards off Chapman Ranch road during a runway approach. Fisher is survived by his wife, Margaret, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fisher, all of Veedersburg. - thanks so much to Ginny A for this obit - how sad!!
Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – 1950 B Book p 43 Hand dated 1955
Lt. Robert K. Fisher, 26 son of Mr. and Mrs. DL Fisher of Veedersburg was killed last Friday Sept 23 as his plane crashed in a landing at the Naval Air Auxiliary Station near Corpus Christi, Texas. Lt. Fisher’s plane crashed from an altitude of about 75 feet according to those at the scene. He graduated from the Navy Officers Training School at Newport News RI and had been stationed in Texas for the past year. He was a graduate of Veedersburg HS and attended Purdue University (picture but not clear one so didn’t include – love to have one though) before enlisting in the Navy. Lt. Fisher had realized a life-long ambition in becoming a Navy Pilot. His fellow officers stated that Lt. Fisher had much ability and he was very proud to be a part of the Navy’s flying wing. He was schedule to become an instructor at Pensacola, Florida. Robert was born in Veedersburg July 11, 1929 the son of Mr. and Mrs. DL Fisher and was married Jan 7, 1950 to Margaret Hutson, of Hillsboro. Surviving is the wife, a son, Derek Michael, 11 months; a sister, Mrs. Annabelle Ebert; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher. The body was returned to Veedersburg on Tuesday evening after memorial services were held at Corpus Christie. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at the Veedersburg Methodist Church with Rev. Richard Haley and Rev. Donald Weaver officiating. Military rites were conducted at the Masonic Cemetery at Waynetown with Crumley Funeral Home in charge of interment. His military escort was Ens. James P. McMullan. – kbz
Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – 1950 B Book p 43 Hand dated 7 Oct 1955
Lt. (jg) Robert K. Fisher son of Darrel L. and H. Wilma Fisher, was born July 11, 1929 in Veedersburg, Indiana. He was a member of the Veedersburg Methodist Church. He attended both public school in Veedersburg and graduated from the High School in 1947. Bob received a scholarship to Purdue University and attended on semester. In Feb 1948, he enlisted in the Navy to make that his career. He completed electronics school at Great Lakes Training Station in April 1949 and was then sent to Orange, Texas. Jan 8, 1950 he and Margaret Hutson of Hillsboro, Indiana were united in marriage at the Methodist Church in Veedersburg, Indiana. One month after their marriage, Margaret, his wife went with him to Orange, Texas. In April 1951 he attended GCA School in Olathe, Kansas, his wife was with him at this time. After completion of GCA school he went to Dallas, Texas. While stationed in Dallas, he took correspondence courses, working toward his goal of Officers’ Candidate School. On May 11, 1953 Bob was one of 48 regular Naval Personnel appointed out of 380 candidates to attend Officers’ Candidate School. At the time of his graduation at Newport, Rhode Island he was one of the top 10 in his class; and received his commission as Ensign in the US Navy. From this school he reported to the USS Walke attached to Task Force 77 which was located in the Korean waters. In Jan 1954 when the USS Walke returned to port in San Francisco, Calif he was stationed at Mare Island Shipyards until June 1954 when he entered flight Training at Pensacola, Florida. On Nov 2, 1954 a little son was born which was their pride and joy and was named Derek Michael Fisher. In April 1955 he was sent to Corpus Christi, Texas to the advanced training school at Cabniss Naval Air Station. On Sept 23, 1955, Bob was on a routine flight out of Cabiniss Naval Air Station at 1:15 p.m. his training plane, a Douglas Sky-Raider crashed and burned. On this date Bob received his wings as a Naval Pilot. Bob worked as diligently as possible to be a success at his chosen career. In everything he did while in the Navy he was always at the top or near the top. Perfection was his goal. While in flight school his devotion to his duty was an inspiration to all the other men. His wife, Margaret was with him their entire married life only 8 months were they separated. While he attended Officers Candidate School and while on Korean water. Theirs was one of the happiest married lives. Surviving in addition to the parents and wife are son, Derek Michael 11 months, a sister, Mrs. Annabelle Ebert; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, two uncles, one aunt, three cousins and a host of friends. – kbz