CLAYPOOL, Wilson - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Will Record 3, p ___

I, the undersigned Wilson Claypool of the County of Fountain and state of Indiana, being in good health and being of sounds mind and memory, yet considering the uncertainty of life do hereby revoke all former will and make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament.  That is to say – after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue of my estate, Real and Personal whereof I may die seized or possessed.  I give and devise to my wife, Sarah Claypool to have and to hold the same to herself, heir heirs and assigns forever, and I hereby appoint the said Sarah Claypool executrix of this my last will and testament and direct that immediately after my death she shall take possession of all my estate, Real and Personal for her own right, according to the terms hereof and that she shall have the right to recipe, sue for and collect all legal demands and debts due me at the time of my death and that she shall pay and discharge the same become due all debts outstanding aligning my estate, if there be any at the time of my death fully and completely settle my estate without taking out letters, Testamentary if the same can be done; and in case it shall from any cause become necessary take out letter testamentary, I direct that she shall not be required to give bond and that no delay to take out letters shall give any other person the right to take out letters of administration and deprive her of the right of taking letters whenever she may deem it best to do so.  In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this the 17th day of Oct 1864.  Wilson Claypool (his seal) – The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Wilson Claypool in our presence and acknowledge by him to each of us; and he at the same time published and declared the said instrument so subscribed to be his last will and testament and we at his request and in his presence, have signed our names as witnesses thereto – Thomas E. McPherren & Israel Keefer, witnesses

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