BOUNNELL, Emery Guy (Dr)
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 21 Feb 1948 p 3
Hillsboro, Ind Feb 21 – Dr. Emery Guy Bounnell, 76, a physician here 40 years, years, died Friday in a Danville Ill hospital following a stroke. He had been president of the Hillsboro State Bank 28 years. Dr. Bounell (sic) held the 50-year service award of the Indiana State Medical Association. His father and three brothers also were physicians. A Master Mason since 1982, Dr. Bounell was a past master of the Hillsboro Masonic Lodge from which he held a 50-year membership pin. He also was a member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine. He was a former Republican chairman of Fountain County and member of Hillsboro Memorial Post of the American Legion. He served in WWI. The Legion will have charge of military funeral services at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Hillsboro Methodist Church. Burial will be in Rockfield Cemetery. Survivors include the widow, two daughters, Mrs. Beulah Bowling, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Bernice DeFlorio, Chicago and a brother, Dr. Harry Bounell, Wingate. - kbz
Source: Indianapolis Times 23 February 1948 p 5
Hillsboro Feb 23 – Military services and burial for Dr. Emery G. Bounell, physician here 40 years were held here yesterday. He was 76. Dr. Bounell was president of the Hillsboro State Bank 28 years and was president of the Hillsboro Building and Loan Association. He died at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Danville, Ill where he had been a patient a month. Two months ago he received a 50-year membership award in the Masonic Lodge and last year was given the 50-year service award from the Indiana Medical Association. A native of Lebanon, Dr. Bounell was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Bounell. He was educated at DePauw University and Indiana Medical School. His three brothers also were members of the medical profession. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Jane Beaver Bounell; two daughters, Mrs. Beulah Bowling, Indianapolis and Mrs. Bernice de Florio, Chicago; a brother, Dr. Harry Bounell, Waynetown and three granddaughters. - kbz