BACUS, John Wesley - CW
Source: Howard, Kansas Citizen Wed 11 June 1919 p 1
John Wesley Bacus was born near Russell Mills, Park (sic) County, Ind Oct 17, 1836 and died at his home in Howard, Kansas, June 7, 1919, aged 82 years 7 months 20 days. He was united in marriage to Mary L. Litsey Jan 2, 1862 and to this union were born five children: Margaret E who died in infancy; Effie E. Moore of Kingman, Ind; Delia, LA and EH Bacus all of Howard and vicinity. These with 29 grandchildren and four great grandchildren are left to mourn his death. He was a soldier of Co A 85th Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, being honorably discharge from the service May 20, 1865. Brother Bacus was initiated into the mysteries of the Masonic Order in July 1858 and for almost 61 years has been a loyal member of his chosen order. He also united with the ME Church in Howard in 1894 and retained his interest in the church and its tasks throughout the years. For 37 years Brother Bacus has lived in this community, highly respected by his friends and beloved by his family. A good man hath fallen, one by one the veterans of the conflict of the sixties are passing away. They are a great host yonder, and the deeds they did are written in the very warp and woof of our nation’s life. Uncle John, as we loved to call him has had as it seems his share and more of the afflictions of life, having suffered a stroke of paralysis over three years ago but he did not complain. The funeral services were conducted from the ME Church Monday, June 9th at 2 o’clock PM and interment was made in beautiful Grace Lawn. His comrades of the GAR and Masonic order attending, the later committing his body to the grave with their ritual. - kbz