YOUNGBLOOD, Charles Frank

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 14 Jun 1969 p 6
COVINGTON — C. Frank Youngblood, 70, retired Covington postmaster, died at 5:30 a.m. Saturday in St. Elizabeth Hospital at Danville, Ill. He had been in failing health a year and in the hospital since Thursday night. Mr. Youngblood resided at 203 Sixth St., Covington. Born July 4, 1898, in Fountain County, he was a son of Charles E. and Nellie Isley Youngblood. He was married Oct. 16, 1931, to Ruth Walters who survives. A veteran of World War I, he was a 50-year member of the Covington American Legion. He also was a 50-year member of the Veedersburg Masonic Lodge. Other memberships included the Wallace Low 12 Club, Gao Grotto at Danville, Ill., and Veedersburg Christian Church. He retired as Covington postmaster July 31, 1968. Survivors in addition to the widow are a daughter, Mrs. Caleb Brakley of Covington; a brother, Ernest of Silver Springs, Md.; five sisters, Mrs. Lyle Ramsey of Clearwater, Fla., Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Mrs. Iris Howard and Mrs. Esther Ghormley, all of Veedersburg, and Mrs. Mary Edwards of Hillsboro; three grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. Funeral services are pending at the Fishero Funeral Home at Veedersburg. --typed by Walt W
Source: The obituary is from a collection of newspaper (paper names not recorded) obituaries saved, by Fauniel Hershberger, during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana. The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
COVINGTON — C. Frank Youngblood, age 70, of 203 Sixth St., former Covington Postmaster, died at 5:30 a.m. Saturday, June 14, in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville, Ill. He had been a patient there two days and in failing health for over a year. Mr. Youngblood was born in Fountain County on July 4, 1898, the son of Charles E. and Nellie Isley Youngblood. He was married on Oct. 16, 1931 to Ruth Walter and she survives. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the Christian Church in Veedersburg. He also was a member of the Wallace Low 12 Club, the Fulton-Banta Post 291, American Legion of Covington, Gao Grotto of Danville, Ill., and the Masonic Lodge of Veedersburg. He was a 50-year member of both the American Legion and the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Youngblood took over active management of the Covington Post Office Feb, 1, 1943 and his retirement became effective on July 31, 1968. He moved to Covington in 1934 and served a term as Sheriff of Fountain County. Prior to that he had served on the Indiana State Police Department for about two and one-half years. Surviving, in addition to his wife, are; one daughter, Mrs. Caleb (Pauline) Brakley of Covington; three grandchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Lyle Ramsey of Clearwater, Fla., Mrs. Mary Edwards of Hillsboro, Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Mrs. Iris Howard and Mrs. Esther Ghormley, all of Veedersburg; and one brother, Ernest of Silver Springs, Md. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Fishero Funeral Home in Veedersburg, where Masonic rites were held Monday evening. The Rev. Harold Fogle, pastor of the First Church of Christ of Covington, officiated and burial was in Bonebrake Cemetery, south of Veedersburg on U. S. 41. Military rites were conducted at the graveside. --typed by Walt W