VanSCOYOC, James
Source: Bloomington, Illinois Pantagraph Mon
26 Feb 1877 p 3
“Saybrook” – On Feb 22d James VanScoyoc died
at the residence of his son, James Jr, aged 79
years. James Vanscoyoc was born
Feb 20, 1798 in Monogahela County, Pennsylvania. When five or six years old his
parents moved to Columbiana County, Ohio where they remained 7 or 8 years. The
family then went to the Mad River County but after remaining one year returned
to Columbuaiana. Shortly after they went to Wayne County where the family lived
until they were grown up and scattered. There he married in April 1819. During
the following year he moved to Fountain County, Indiana. In 1829 he moved to
Old Town timber, this county where he lived about 20 years and then moved the
old Means place at Cheney Grove, where he resided up to the time of his death.
Uncle Jimmy, as he was familiarly called was loved and respected by all who
knew him, and is universally mourned by the people of this section. His remains
wer eon Friday taken to Old Town timber for interment.