TODD, Clayton Harrison - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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TODD, Clayton Harrison

Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat Sept 28, 1922 p 1

Clayton Harrison Todd, a well known retired farmer and Civil War veteran of this city died at his home on east Washington street shortly afternoon Saturday.  Mr. Todd had been in feeble health for several years but had seemingly been stronger than usual the past summer and was up and around until a few days before his death which was caused by chronic heart trouble.  He was a son of Charles and Jane Davis Todd and was born Oct 1, 1840 in the state of Delaware.  He was one of a family of four children - himself, two brothers, William and Charles and one sister, Hester Jane, who afterwards became the wife of the late Dr. Colvert of this city. At the opening of the Civil War he was only a little past 20 years old but only 10 days after the firing of Ft. Sumpter he enlisted in the defense of the union, he becoming a member of Company A, 15th Indiana Regiment and with his death there remains but one survivor of his company, that being Thomas P. Campbell who now resides at Los Angeles, Calif.  Mr. Todd served his country for 3 years and 3 months and took part in every engagement in which his regiment was involved, among them being Missionary Ridge, Shiloh and Stone River.  For loyalty to the cause and faithfulness to duty he had few equals in the service.  He was married to Maria Isabelle Spinning of Covington Ind Jan 24, 1867.  To this union were born two children, Lottie Jane and Charles Franklin. The family home was in the neighborhood of Bethel, a few miles east of Attica until 1884 when the present Attica residence was erected and the family moved to town.  In 1885, Aug 23, Mrs. Todd pass away.  Mr. Todd was married again to Miss Virginia Wilson, June 15, 1887. There was born to this union one daughter, Asia Elizabeth.  His life was spent in the closest relations with the church. He was active in the church in the Shawnee neighborhood and later in the Bethel neighborhood.  When he moved to Attica he affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church and had been an active member ever since.  The church's welfare and progress always had first place in his heart.  He leaves the widow, Mrs. Virginia W. Todd, two daughters, Mrs. WB Schermerhorn and Miss Asia Elizabeth Todd, one daughter-in-law, Lizzie Wilmer Todd, wife of Frank Todd of Havana, Cuba; three grandchildren, Bernice Schemerhorn Hanson; Margaret Todd Ford and Dorothy Todd; one great grandchild, Nancy Charlotte Hanson; five nephews, HC Todd of Michigan City; Foster Todd of Los Angeles; Will Colvert; Charles Colvert; Armstrong Colvert of this city and a host of friends. The funeral was held from the family home on East Washington Street Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Those who officiated the the funeral were Rev JJ Wilson, pastor of the ME Church of this city and Dr. WH Hickman of Terre Haute, Rev. WP McKinsey of Lebanon and Dr. JG Campbell of Greencastle, all former pastors of the church here. Burial was made in Riverside cemetery this city.  

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