Source: 1950s Area Obituaries - thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 139 hand dated 1952
Jewel E. Tinsley, 78, retired Hillsboro business man died at 3:30 p.m. on Christmas Day, Thursday Dec 25 following a heart attack. He and his wife were dinner guests at the home of his foster daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crane of Hillsboro. He was reading a paper when he complained of a pain in his heart and died before medical aid could arrive at the Crane home. Mr. Tinsley was born Nov 8, 1874 at Hillsboro son of John and Malinda Rynearson Tinsley. He was a member of the Hillsboro Christian Church and Knights of Pythias lodge. During his business career in Hillsboro he had operated a grocery store, a service station, the Hillsboro Hotel, a real estate agency and was manager of Prudential Insurance Company farms for a number of years. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Christian Church with Rev. JT Moore of Indianapolis, pastor of the church in charge. Mrs. Carol Myer, Mrs. Vera Shade accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Pearl Haall sang In the Garden of Tomorrow and Old Rugged Cross. The pall bearers were Marion D. Glascock, Carl Epperson, William Nickle, Herman Foxworthy, Morris Lowe and Ernest Myers. Honorary pall bearers were Hyson J. Myer, Wallace Epperson, Nelson White, Maurice H. Williams, Frazier Hesler and Noel Osborn. The flower bearers were Rowena Clore, Estaline Belles, Betty Bailey, Ileen Glascock, Opal Lowe, Eugenia Williams., Hazel Foxworthy, Ruby Nickle, Fern Snyder, Betty Sering, Ileen Cooper and Mamie Hesler. Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hillsboro with the Crumley Funeral Home in charge.