TAYLOR, Herman - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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TAYLOR, Herman

Source: The obituary is from a collection of newspaper (paper names not recorded) obituaries saved, by Fauniel Hershberger, during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana.  The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
Hand dated 6-1957

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, June 26, at 3 o'clock, for Herman Taylor, 83, resident of Veedersburg, who died Tuesday, at 2:30 a. m., in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville, where he had been a patient for five days. Mr. Taylor was born Oct. 11, 1873, the son of James and Mary Knowles Taylor. He was first married to Maggie Houts and then to Martha Kunkle, both of whom preceded him in death. He was a member of the Veedersburg Nazarene Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Essie Adair; two sisters, Mrs. Caddie Morrison and Mrs. Margaret Edwards, both of Danville; and four stepchildren, Mrs. Lydia Rhodes, Mrs. Ocie Briner and Virgil and Otis Adair, all of Veedersburg. The body was at the Fishero Funeral Home in Veedersburg, where it remained until it was taken to the Veedersburg Nazarene Church Wednesday afternoon for services. The Rev. E. V. Wamsley officiated and burial was in Rockfield Cemetery. - typed by Walt W.

Source: 1950s C Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 182 – hand dated 25 June 1957

Herman Taylor, 83, of Veedersburg died Tuesday morning in the St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville where he had been a patient 5 days.  He was born near Stone Bluff on Oct 11, 1873 the son of James and Mary Knowles Taylor.  He was married to Maggie Houts and Martha Kunkle, both of whom preceded him in death.  Surviving are his wife, the former Essie Adair; two sisters, Mrs. Caddie Morrison and Mrs. Margaret Edwards, both of Danville; and four stepchildren: Mrs. Lydia Rhodes; Mrs. Ocie Briner and Virgil and Otis Adair all of Veedersburg. Mr. Taylor was a member of the Veedersburg Nazarene Church where services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday with Rev. EV Wamsley officiating. Burial was in Rockfield Cemetery. – kbz

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