SWEET, Faris
Source: The obituary is from a collection of newspaper (paper names not recorded) obituaries saved, by Fauniel Hershberger, during the 1950's, 60's, 70's and 80's. She was a life long resident of Fountain County Indiana. The collection is now housed at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
Hand dated 1961
Funeral services for Faris Sweet, age 63, of Marshall, Ill., brother of Harold and Gene Sweet of Covington, were held Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 5, in Marshall with burial in the cemetery there. Mr. Sweet died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack at 11:45 a. m. Saturday, while on a hunting trip for deer in the southern part of the state. One deer had been killed when Mr. Sweet sat down to rest. He keeled over and died immediately. He was a native of Clark County, Ill., and had been a blacksmith at Marshall for 42 years. He is survived by his wife, Ettysell, and one son, Roy Sweet, both of Marshall; three brothers, Harold and Gene of Covington and Robert of Marshall, Ill., and two sisters, Mrs. Nita Wolfe of Hobart and Mrs. Ruth Shotts of Gary. The Harold and Gene Sweets attended the rites. --typed by Walt W