SUMNER, Cecelia McComas
Source: 1950s Area Obituaries - thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 137 hand dated 1954
Mrs. Cecilia M. Summer of Danville, Illo the widow of Fred D. Sumner formerly of Hillsboro died Friday April 16 in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville, Ill where she had been a patient for 11 days. Mrs. Sumner was well known in Hillsboro. She had conducted a kindergarten in her home in Danville for 15 years. She was born in Covington, daughter of George R. and Margaret Sullivan McComas and was married in 1907 to Fred D. Sumner who preceded her in death Dec 21, 1950. She was a member of the St. Paul's Catholic Church in Danville and is survived by a daughter, Miss Mary Katherine Sumner at home. Services were held at 9 a.m. Monday at the St. Paul's Church with burial in St. Patrick's Cemetery in Danville. – kbz