SUMMERS, John Manford - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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SUMMERS, John Manford

1953 Veedersburg News -- ? Date

John Summers, 77, a retired farmer of the V'b rg community d. Sun at midnight at his home of a heart attack. Mr. S. h ad been ill for about a week with the flu.  he was b. near Yeddo the s/o N athaniel and Delilah Redenbaugh Summers. On NOv 15, 1875, he was mar r. to luella C. Day. Surv is the widow, Mrs. Summers, a dau, Mrs. Ruth Cri sp of Monteicello; two sons, eston spending the winter in Fla and Manfo rd of Vbrg a sister, Mrs. Lydia Day of Yeddo and 14 grandhc and six great s. M/M Summers recently celebrated their anniv. at their home in Veedersbu rg. He was a member of the Centennial Evangelical United Brethren ch and Y eddo Masonic Lodge. Fun serv were held on Thurs aft at 2:30 at the Cent en EUB Church with Rev. Fulp of c'ville offic. Masonic rites were conduc te dby the Yeddo Lodge Bur in adjoining cem.  wtih Fishero Funeral Home in charge (march 1st)

?? Newspaper - Dated March 1, 1953 by hand --

Veedersburg - John Summers, 77 retired farmer died Sun night at midnight at his home in Veedersburg after suffering a heart attack. He had been ill from influenza the past week. Born NOv 15, 1875 at Yeddo, Mr. Summers was the s/o Nathaniel and Delilah Redenbaugh Summers. He married Luella Day Jan 4, 1899. He w as a member of the Centennial Evang. United Breth Church. He also was a past worthy master of the Yeddo Masonic Lodge. Surviving are the widow; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Chrisop, Monticello; two sons, Manford Summers, Veedersburg and Eston Summers, Florida; a sister, Mrs. Lydia Day, Yeddo; 14 grandchildren and six greats. Friends may pay their respects at the family home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, pending word from the son in Florida.

Source: 1950s Area Obituaries - thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 137

John M. Summers, son of Nathaniel Morgan Summers and Delilah Jane Redenbaugh Summers was born only a short distance east of the Centennial Evangelical United Brethre Church in Fountain County Indiana on the 15th day of Nov 1875.  At the time of his death he had reached the age of 77 years 3 months and 16 days.  A page torn from the history of his life would contain many of the points of interest in the history of the community in which he lived until about 9 years ago. His grandfather homesteaded the place where he was born and spent his life.  His aunt, Amy Redenbaugh was the first person to be buried in what we know as the old section of the Centennial Cemetery. His membership was in the Centennial Church where it had been since early days. He had been a member of the Yeddo Masonic Lodge for 38 years and had been through all the chairs. Two brother, Allen and George, one sister, Samantha Norris preceded him in death.  He was married Jan 4, 1899 to Luella Catherine Day and five children were born to this union.  One grandson, Edward Powers who seems as a son was reared in their home. One son, Ransom died in 1949 and a daughter, Milfred died in infancy.  He quickly and quietly left this world late in the evening of Sunday March 1, 1953.  He left his companion Luella Summers; two sons, Eston in New Hampshire and Manford of Veedersburg; one daughter, Ruth Chrisop of Monticello, Ind; one sister, Lydia Day of Yeddo Ind (85 years of age last Sept); 14 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren; several nephews and nieces and many, may friends throughout the community. Some time ago he had made all his funeral arrangements including the entire scripture as used by the minister today.

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