STRAWMYER, Mary - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: 1950s Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 134 hand dated 5-4-1954

Mrs. Mary Strawmyer, wife of a former Mellott minister, Rev. C. P. Strawmyer died Tuesday morning at a Seattle, Wash hospital of a gunshot wound.  Mrs. Strawmyer was accidently shot Monday night by her 15-year-old son, Cleon in the family’s home at Bellevue, Wash. According to reported received here, the son had recently received a new automatic rifle as a gift. He had used the gun Monday and had gone to bed when his mother asked him if he had unloaded the gun. The boy replied that he had not and got up to do. It was while he was unloading the gun that his mother was fatally wounded.  Rev. Strawmyer served the Mellott Congregational Church leaving in June of 1944. Surviving are the husband, two sons, Cleon and Timothy, 6; a daughter Uba Jean, 10; the mother Mrs. Minnie Wells of Lebanon and a sister, Mrs. Lester Strawmyer also of Lebanon.  Burial will be in Bellevue and the family has requested that flowers be omitted. – kbz

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