STEVENS, Johnny - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: 1950s Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 135 – hand dated 6-3-1955

Johnny Stevens, 16 year old Covington HS Senior, disappeared into the Wabash River while his fishing companion looked on the tragic scene about 11:30 a.m. Thursday June 2.  The boy, presumed drowned was still the object of an intense search as late as 2:45 p.m by County and State Police and Coroner Charles Fishero. Boats had been dragging the river at the scene of the accident since shortly after noon.  His fishing companion was Steven Clark, who will be a sophomore at Covington next fall.  The boys were fishing off the point on the west bank of the Wabash just below the NY Central railroad bridge.  Johnny waded into the water to check a trout line when he apparently stepped into a hole and disappeared.  His young fishing companion  yelled for help to Bob Hegg and Paul Hutts who were fishing several yards upstream. Other help including the fire department emergency squad was immediately summoned to the scene.  It was stated that the boy was about 40 rods in the river when he fell into the hole.  The victim was described as being an excellent swimmer and river men believed he must have been caught in an undercurrent.  Johnny Stevens lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritenour of Covington. The Ritenmous family was the scene of a tragedy last week as their own son, Frederick “Mac” Ritenour died of a heart attack. The drowning victim is the son of Bill Joe Stevens.  – kbz

Source: 1950s Area Obituaries – thanks to Covington Public Library (especially Brenda) p 132

Funeral services were held Saturday in Covington at the Benson Chapel for John Eller Stevens, 16 who drowned Thursday in the Wabash River while fishing. The body was found at 2:45 after the youth disappeared in the water about 11:30 a.m.  Survivors include the father, Earl Stevens, Covington, the mother, Mariquita Newport of Indianapolis, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritenour and the great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ritenour all of Covington. Burial was in the Lower Mound Cemetery with Rev. Glen Ray officiating. – kbz

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