STAFFORD, Blanche Hushaw - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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STAFFORD, Blanche Hushaw

Source: Attica Daily Tribune 10 Oct 1918 p 1

Mrs. William Stafford died at the home in the Bethel neighborhood east of Attica at midnight on Wednesday. She had been sick 10 days being taken with the Spanish influenza which developed into pneumonia and then into meningitis. A husband and three young children survive.  Deceased was Blanche Hushaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WC Hushaw of Shawnee township and was about 24 years of age. She was a very capable and intelligent woman, a devoted mother and wife and admired by all who knew her. The case is a sad one in that she passed away in the morning of life when it meant so much to her and to the family to whom she ministered with care and affection.  The husband and the motherless children will have the sympathy of all the people of this vicinity. – kbz

Source: Attica Daily Tribune 11 Oct 1918 p 4

The funeral of Mrs. William Stafford will be held at the residence at 4 o’clock on Saturday afternoon.  It will be conducted in accordance with the health board regulations.  

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