NANCE, Ruben
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, 4-May-1959, p. 10
Covington - Ruben W. Nance, 64-year-old Fountain County farmer, died of a heart ailment at 5:45 a.m. Sunday in Veterans Hospital at Danville, Ill. He had been ill a week. He was a son of L. N. and Sudie Nance and was born Aug. 15, 1894, in Glasgow, Ky. He was married March 27, 1920, to Bessie Gladys Stevens. She died July 15, 1944. Surviving are three sons, all in the U.S. Army, Robert at Ft. Sill, Okla., Gene at Ft. Lewis, Wash., and Paul W., in Korea; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Fowler of Waveland; seven grandchildren and a brother, Edmond Nance of Danville, Ill. Mr. Nance had lived in Fountain County 50 years. He was a World War I veteran, serving in the Army. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Bodine and Shelby Funeral Home. Rev. Alfred Vancile will officiate and interment will be in the Murray Cemetery three miles east of Mellott. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Monday.
Source: Obituaries: 1950's collection - Covington Public Library --- thanks so much (especially to Brenda) - hand dated 8 May 1959 page 136
Ruben Willis Nance, 64, a resident of Fountain County 50 years died Sunday at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Danville where he had been a patient 10 days. Born Aug 15, 1894 in Glasgow, KY he was the son of LN and Sudie Nancy. He was married to Bessie Gladys Steven March 27, 1920. She preceded him in death July 15, 1944.Survivors include three sons, Albert of Ft. Sill, Okla; Gene of Ft. Lewis, Wash and Paul W. of Korea all members of the Army; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Fowler of Waveland; a brother, Edmon of Danville and 7 grandchldren. Services were held Tuesday with burial in Murray Cemetery east of Mellott.

File Created: 13 June 2010 (thanks, Lena)