McCORD, Carl B.

Source: "Obituaries - Year - 1960 Volume B" from the Covington Public Library. Year 1964
for the picture above and the article below.
Dr. Carl B. McCord, 80, a Veedersburg practicing physician for fifty-six years, died in a fire that destroyed the interior of his home about 9:45 o'clock Thursday night, March 6, leaving the town with a single medical doctor. He had been Fountain County Health officer for many years.
The doctor was seen by a neighbor trying to extinguish the blaze in the living room curtains, giving rise to the belief that he may have been resting on a couch while smoking. He was alone at home, his office being closed on Thursday afternoon. His wife was in Danville, Ill. visiting their daughter and family.
Dr. McCord was seen to be trying to cope with the flaming window curtains, by Miss Claudie Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert William of the Van Buren school Faculty, who lives next door to the north. As Coroner Nelson and city firemen reconstructed the situation, Dr. McCord, driven by the fire to attempt an escape, made his way to the front door and attempted to unlock it. Apparently he was able to disengage the safety chain, but was unable to release the night latch. Firemen had to break open the door.
Carl Butts, Ben Ghormley and Maurice Stonebraker, Veedersburg volunteer firemen responding to an alarm turned in by Miss Williams, a high school junior found the body. Miss Williams' brother Bob and Carl Gookins seniors were turning a garden hose on the side of the burning house.
Dr. McCord apparently died of burns and suffocation. The firemen found him just inside the front door. Fireman Butts was named for the doctor. Coroner Nelson made an investigation to determine the exact cause of death. The first alarm was recorded by the fire department at 9:13 p.m. Soon after the local firemen were on the scene, Hillsboro firemen came to help. Later Covington and Attica fire equipment came to support Veedersburg and Hillsboro firemen.
Dr. McCord, although keeping abreast of the medical world often seemed the image of the traditional old-time "country doctor" who, until a few years ago found answering night calls a duty not to be thrust aside. His family include another MD Dr. Health, a young brother of Dr. McCord's mother. The latter lived to be 99 years.
Funeral' services were arranged after Mrs. McCord and their son and daughter arrived. The service was largely attended at the Fishero Funeral Home at 3 p.m. Saturday, conducted by Rev. J. Samuel Pritchard, pastor of the Veedersburg
Dr. McCord apparently died of burns and suffocation. The firemen found him just inside the front door. Fireman Butts was named for the doctor. Coroner Nelson made an investigation to determine the exact cause of death. The first alarm was recorded by the fire department at 9:13 p.m. Soon after the local firemen were on the scene, Hillsboro firemen came to help. Later Covington and Attica fire equipment came to support Veedersburg and Hillsboro firemen.
Dr. McCord, although keeping abreast of the medical world often seemed the image of the traditional old-time "country doctor" who, until a few years ago found answering night calls a duty not to be thrust aside. His family include another MD Dr. Health, a young brother of Dr. McCord's mother. The latter lived to be 99 years.
Funeral' services were arranged after Mrs. McCord and their son and daughter arrived. The service was largely attended at the Fishero Funeral Home at 3 p.m. Saturday, conducted by Rev. J. Samuel Pritchard, pastor of the Veedersburg
Evangelical United Brethren Church, of which the doctor and his parents long had been members. Interment took place in the Masonic Cemetery at Waynetown.
Born in Tangier, Ind., Dec. 27, burg as a child, with two sisters and the parents, William H. and Emily J. (Heath ) McCord. The father, who had been a merchant in Tangier, owned a shoe Store for a number of years, and became
active in civic and church affairs. The elder McCord for some years was president of the old First National Bank which liquidated during the depression, paying dollar for dollar. W. H. McCord also headed the Commercial Club which marketed a subdivision and later converted the profits into the purchase price of the site for the present Hub park.
Carl was graduated from Veedersburg High School in 1903, in the same class with his sister, Arlie, now deceased. He entered Purdue University with a view to an engineering career. In a short time he decided to choose a different profession and, under encouragement from the late Dr. GW Small, entered Indiana University Medical College at Indianapolis where he received his MD degree.
He was married to Miss Mabel Coats who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coats of near Veedersburg at Indianapolis. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on June 30, 1957.
Besides the widow, other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Herman (Ona) Smith of 1002 Garfield Place, Danville, Ill; a son, Dr. Gwynn McCord, Crawfordsville dentist; a sister, Mrs. Audrey Jones of Crawfordsville; four grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Dr. McCord was given many honors when he attained his 50th anniversary in medicine. Besides membership in the national, state and local medical societies, Dr. McCord was a 32nd degree Mason, Indianapolis Scottish Rite, Veedersburg Masonic Lodge, No 491 Veedersburg Lions Club as well as the local EUB Church.
Dr. McCord was given many honors when he attained his 50th anniversary in medicine. Besides membership in the national, state and local medical societies, Dr. McCord was a 32nd degree Mason, Indianapolis Scottish Rite, Veedersburg Masonic Lodge, No 491 Veedersburg Lions Club as well as the local EUB Church.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana
6-Mar-1964 1: 1
His Residence Burns While He Is Alone
Wife Away On Visit; Victim Is Father Of Crawfordsville Dentist
VEEDERSBURG - Dr. Carl B. McCord, 81-year-old Veedersburg physician, died in a fire that swept through his home here late Thursday night. Mrs. McCord was away, visiting since Sunday with their daughter in Danville, Ill., and the veteran doctor was alone in the two-story eight-room frame residence at 711 N. Walnut St. Cause of the blaze, still being fought late at night by three fire departments, was not determined immediately. It had spread rapidly through the house when discovered by a next door neighbor, Miss Claudia Williams, about 9:45 p.m. Dr. McCord’s body was found near the front door, indicating he had tried to get outdoors. Death was believed due to suffocation. He had practiced medicine in this community for 56 years. His office was not at his home, and Thursday was the day for the office to be closed. He had been home apparently most of the day. The entire interior of the home was burned out.
Veedersburg, Covington and Hillsboro fire fighters stayed at the scene after recovery of the body to prevent spread of the flames to other properties. The body was removed to the Fishero Funeral Home here, where arrangements are pending. Dr. McCord was a native of near Tangier, born in October 1882 to William H. and Emily Heath McCord. He was a graduate of Veedersburg High School and the Indiana Medical School. Survivors besides the wife, Mabel Coats McCord, include a son, Dr. G. C. McCord, Crawfordsville dentist; a daughter Mrs. (Ona) Herman Smith of Danville, Ill.; four grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Audrey Jones of Crawfordsville. Dr. and Mrs. McCord were married in Indianapolis in 1907 and celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary June 30, 1957. He was a member of the United Brethren Church, a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Order of Eastern Star.
File created: 30 November 2009