Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat Nov 2, 1922 p 1
Edward C. Livengood, a former resident of Williamsport and for 15 years a commissioner of Warren County died Sunday morning Oct 15 at his home, 214 W Porter St, Hanford, Calif, Mr. Livengood has been in poor health but his condition was not regarded critical. His wife attended church Sunday morning and on returning home found her husband lying helpless on the floor. A doctor was summoned but Mr. Livengood died before the physician arrived. Death was caused by apoplexy. Mr. Livengood and family moved to California from Williamsport 5-6 years ago. He is survived by the wife, one son, EC Livengood, Jr of Hanford and one daughter, Mrs. Chrystabel Hoover of Grangeville, Calif. The funeral was conducted Tuesday afternoon Oct 17 in Hanford and burial was in the Hanford cemetery.