LaBAW, Lynn
Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat 23 Nov 1922 p 1
Lynn LaBaw, aged 14 son of Mr. and Mrs. Nye LaBaw former residents of Veedersburg now of Danville died early Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville, Ill. Death was caused by an infection which first made its appearance by the swelling of his left ankle on the previous Thursday morning. The origin of the infection is not known but it supposed to have been caused by the bite of an insect as there was a scratch or abrasion of the skin which would indicate where the infect began. The young man retired on Wednesday night with nothing bothering him but he awoke before daylight Thursday morning with a badly swollen ankle. The family physician was called but he made no improvement and he was taken to St. Elizabeth hospital Saturday morning. The deceased was born in Veedersburg but moved to Danville with his parents when a small child. He was a student in Danville HS. Besides the father and mother he is survived by one brother, Edward LaBaw and a half brother, Roy Shaw. The funeral was conducted on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock from the Lincoln ME Church in Danville and burial was made in the Springhill cemetery at Danville.