Jones, George - 1874 - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Jones, George - 1874

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Saturday, 26 September 1874

On Thursday last, two sons of Morgan Jones, of Warren County, were out hunting, when one of them was fatally shot. They were ascending a hill, when one of the brothers reached his gun to the other, muzzle first, to help pull him up. The hammer caught in some way, and the piece was discharged, the ball entering the abdomen of the one who caught hold of it to be helped up the hill. He lingered till midnight when death ended his sufferings. The boys were twins, aged fourteen years, and the name of the unfortunate one who thus met his death was George. The little fellow walked a quarter of a mile after he was shot, when they came to Jackson Hogue, a neighbor, who carried the wounded boy home. This was the first hunt the brothers ever made together - kbz

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