HOY, Fanny Stockdale
Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – 1950 C Book p 93
Mrs. Fanny Stockdale Hoy, of Urbana, Ill a former resident of the Scotts Prairie neighborhood near here died at her home Thursday morning after a lingering illness. She was the daughter of George and Ella Stockdale, and was born Nov 11, 1895 in this community. About 8 years ago she was married to Clarence Hoy with their married life having been spent in Urbana. She was a former member of the Scotts Prairie Church. Survivors are five brothers: Charles, Guy and Paul Stockdale of near Veedersburg; Ralph of Crawfordsville and Arthur of Danville, Ill and one sister, Mrs. Vereta Coats also of near Veedersburg. Crematory services were held and the ashes were returned to Rockfield Cemetery near Veedersburg in the family lot. - kbz