HINOTE, Nell - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Obituaries: 1950s B Collection – Covington Public Library – thanks so much (especially to Brenda) – hand dated 3-4-1955 - p 65

Mildred Clark of Veedersburg was notified this week of the death of a half sister, Miss Nell S. Hinote of Rampa, Fla. She died after several months illness with a heart ailment and had lived in Tampa 15 years. She had visited in Veedersburg several times.  Miss Hinote was the daughter of Oscar and Sarah Hinote. Survivors include two brothers, George Hinote of Chicago and Ed Hinote of Veedersburg; her stepmother, Mrs. Charles Lightle of Veedersburg; three half-sisters, Mrs. Mildred Clark, Miss Julia Hinote of Veedersburg; Mrs. Ruth Downs of Cayuga; four half brothers, Oscar and Carl Hinote of Veedersburg, John Hinote of Westville, Ill and Everett Hinote in the Army in Korea. Funeral and burial was in Tampa, Fla. – kbz

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