HARMON, Peter - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Review 23 Dec 1919 p 6
Covington, Ind Dec 22 – Peter Harmon, 79 years old, a Civil War veteran and member of Freemont Post GAR of this city and former member of Chicago police force, is dead after a protracted illness at his home in this city. The widow, one son and one daughter survive.
Mrs. Addie Smith, 33 years old, wife of D. Francis Smith, a prominent insurance man and former coroner of this county and only daughter of TA Clifton, editor of the Covington Republican is dead at her home here, after a lingering illness. The husband, parents and one brother, Cooper Clifton survive.
Stephen Lyons, 80 years old, a pioneer of this county and for many years a familiar figure in this city’s life is dead of infirmities of old age. Two sisters survive. – kbz