HANIFORD, Sylvia Babb - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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HANIFORD, Sylvia Babb

Source: Obituaries: 1950s B Collection – Covington Public Library – thanks so much (especially to Brenda) – hand dated p 57 Hand dated Nov 28, 1954

Mrs. Sylvia Haniford, 62, who resided on a farm north of Hillsboro was removed to Culver Hospital in Crawfordsville by ambulance Sunday morning as a medical patient and died about 1:30 a.m. Monday. She was born west of Mellott on Oct 26, 1892 the daughter of Vernon and Emma Parkinson Babb.  She was married to Joe Haniford of Newtown in 1921 where they resided for several years before moving to their farm near here. She was preceded in death by her husband, who died in Nov 1946 and also by her eldest son, Vernon Edward Haniford who was killed in action in Europe in World War II.  Mrs. Haniford was a member of the Congregational Christian Church and Pocahontas Lodge of Mellott; the Order of Eastern Star of Newtown and a charter member of the Legion Auxiliary and a Gold Star Mother of Hillsboro. She graduated from Indiana State College in Terre Haute and taught school in Newtown, Mellot and Rabb School.  Survivors are one son Joe Haniford of Chicago and one brother Vernon Babb of Bloomington, Ind. Funeral service was held from the Crumley Funeral Home in Hillsboro at 2 p.m. Wednesday with Rev. Guy Walters of Mellott in charge with burial in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hillsboro. – kbz

Source: Same -
Funeral rites for Mrs. Sylvia Haniford, who died at Culver Hospital Monday of last week were held at the Crumley Funeral Home in Hillsboro the following Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. Guy Walters of Mellott officiated. Mrs. Lucile Parnell sang, Crossing the Bar and I will Pilot Thee, accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Brown. The pall bearers who also served as flower bearers were Victor Ingalsbe, James Carroll, Max Brewer, Harry Hutson, Robert Seymour and Adna Ingalsbe. Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery, Hillsboro.

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