GLASCOCK, Jennie Bodine
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 20-Apr-1953 p 7
Mrs. Jennie Glascock, one of Fountain County's well known and highly regarded ladies, died at 1 a.m. Sunday morning at her "Campbelland" farm home south of Veedersburg after being in failing health many months. She was a life resident of Fountain County, born June 24, 1868 the daughter of James and Mary Campbell Bodine in Wabash Township. She was married June 6, 1894 to Harry Glascock, who preceded her in death Dec 26, 1952. Mrs. Glascock was active in many civic organizations during her career and was encouraging to many young people whom she befriended. She was a member and past president of Friday Study Club, DAR and Federated Clubs of Fountain County. SHe was a member of the Veedersburg Christian Church and was also active in Church movements until ill health forced her retirement. Surviving is the only daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Cory, of Veedersburg. shew as preceded in death by a son Thomas Zekiel in 1912 and the husband last year. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the family home with Dr. JC Todd of Bloomington officiating. Burial in Kingman Cemeterey with Bodine & Shelby Funeral Home in charge.
Source: Obituaries: 1950’s B collection – Covington Public Library –-- thanks so much (especially to Brenda) – p 49
Jennie Bodine Glascock, the daughter of James and Mary Campbell Bodine was born June 24, 1868 in the Bodine Homestead in Wabash Township. Jen as she was known and beloved by all, peacefully passed on to the Great Beyond last Sunday morning in the community near where she was born. She was the last of four children who preceded her in death. Jen grew up to womanhood, receiving her early education in her community and then graduated from the Old Covington Normal. On June 6, 1894 she married Harry Glascock in Veedersburg and the ceremony was performed by Rev. OE Kelley, a distinguished minister of his time. Harry and Jen immediately moved to Scotts Prairie and lived there until they removed to Kingman in 1908. In 1919 they moved to Veedersburg where they resided until 1941 when they came to Campbelland. To this union two children came to bless their lives. Kathryn who survives and Thomas Zekiel who preceded his father and mother in death in 1912 at the tender age of 11. Zekiel was a promising youngster. Most important of all, Jen was loyal to her faith and rendered unselfish services to her Church to her community and to her home. She was very active with children and loved them and was attractive to them. Being especially talented in directing youth groups she often prepared pageants for the annual Children’s Day Programs. In the local and county community, Jen displayed outstanding ability and her lovable character was reflected in her charming personality. She was a Charter member and Past Regent of the Veedersburg Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a member and Past President of the Veedersburg Friday Study Club and was the Second President of the Fountain County Federated Clubs for two years. During her entire married life, there was a Christian devotion in the home, a companionship and a comradeship which was a pattern of her generation. The old fashioned hospitality of such wonderful friends as Harry and Jen gave every visitor a feeling of warmth and friendly greeting, that rarely could be exceeded. Her grade and charm fascinated all upon the incident of their Golden Wedding Anniversary celebrated June 4, 1944. On this day, hundreds of visitors came to Campbelland to give their acclaim to a devoted couple and to lives well directed and well spent, rich in Service to God and to their fellowmen. When failing in health for six years and confined to her home during the last months we know her heart felt appreciated for the loyalty and loving devotion to Kathryn and Wayne. How wonderful was her completely happy disposition and her modest philosophy of life – she often said “Never become discouraged you just have to pick up and go on.” How she would have blessed Kathryn in her recent years of high achievement, a challenge to her and to all. On the high minded such as Jen who depicted intellectual vigor and artful skills could give a rightful appraisement of a generation all but gone. – kbz
File Created: 2009-Mar-13