GLASCOCK, Hugh Thomas
Source: ?? Newspaper
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Fishero Funeral Home for Hugh Thomas Glasock 46 who was found dead Tuesday in a brooder house on his farm south of Steam Corner on Rt. 41. The Rev. CE Smith of Danville will officiciate and burial will be in Harveysburg Cemetery near Kingman. Mr. Glascock's death was attributed to a self-inflicted wound by 38 caliber revolver. He had left a note for his wife not to look for him when she returned from attending a sale but to call someone and then for both to come to the brooder house. She contacted a cousin of Mr. Glascock, Charles Glascock and together they discvoered the body. The deceased also left a note designating the funeral director of his choice and a request for a private funeral.
Source: Obituaries: 1950’s B collection – Covington Public Library –-- thanks so much (especially to Brenda) –hand dated March, 1956 p 49
Hugh Thomas Glascock, a well known resident of Mill Creek Township, passed away at his home near Steam Corner Tuesday afternoon March 13, 1956. He was the son of Thomas Jefferson and Mabel Heath Glascock being born near Yeddo, Indiana Aug 27, 1909. He graduated from Kingman HS in 1937. After his marriage to Mary Myers on Feb 18, 1932, the young couple made their home on his father’s farm later buying a farm near Steam Corner, where each of them worked diligently in making a new home for themselves. Hugh was a quiet and thoughtful man with high ideals of honesty and integrity and a sincere love of home. He had been in ill health the past few years and, being a devoted husband and son was greatly concerned for the welfare of his wife and mother. His untimely death leaves a deep void in the hears of his family and a host of friends. Among the surviving relatives is hi wife, Mary, his mother, Mrs. Mabel Glascock, one sister, Mrs. Genevieve Simmons of Covington, an aunt, Mrs. Anna G. Rice of Gary as well as several cousins. To those of us who love him we wish to think of him in the words of the poet as faring on in a happier land that he is not dead, he is just away. – kbz
File Created: 2007-May-01