Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, November 9, 1970
KINGMAN - Ernest Glenn Gascock, 91, retired farmer and World War I veteran, died at 11 a.m. Saturday in Veterans Hospital at Danville, Ill. Born in Jackson Township, Fountain County, on Aug. 23, 1889, he was a son of Marsh and Mahala Alward Glascock. He was a member of Fellenzer Post, American Legion, at Rockville. Mr. Glascock was a former telegrapher for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad and a bookkeeper for a coal company in Illinois. He is survived by cousins. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Woodrow Funeral Home, with Rev. Alfred Dobbs the minister and burial in Centennial Cemetery east of Yeddo. Friends may call at the funeral home. - jlr