EVANS, Ora Manford - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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EVANS, Ora Manford

Source: Covington Republican Friday, September 30, 1898
Little Ora Manford Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Evans, departed this life Saturday morning, Sept. 24th, 1898, at the age of nine months and sixteen days.  While it seems impossible to reconcile ourselves to what must be, over the loss of this dear little one we must remember that God is ever with us through the journey of life. Death should teach us to put our trust in God for our life is in his hands and not ours, let us keep closer to Jesus and walk with him in the straight and narrow path so we shall be as innocent as this little one when the cold and icy hand of death is laid upon our fevered brow. There was no cloud to hide from his view the glories of the heavenly world as his pure sweet spirit took its flight to the unseen. Farewell little Ora, you will be missed on earth by papa, mamma, and many kind and loving friends, but we all live in sweet anticipation of meeting thee again in the sweet bye and bye, where partings will be no more. It was hard to give thee up, but say Our Father’s will be done. – thanks to s

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