Source: Kingman Star Friday, September 10, 1915

Somewhat of a surprise was thrust upon our community last Wednesday morning when it become known that another veteran—HENRY DUNKLEBARGER –had passed peacefully to the Great Beyond at 4:30 that morning. Mrs. Dunklebarger’s illness was of a short duration, he having been sick barely a week. He was past the three score and ten mark in life’s pathway, and was a veteran of the Civil War. He is survived by an aged wife and two children, one son and one daughter, and a host of friends. Henry Dunklebarger was one of the old-time residents of this part of the country. Short funeral services were held at the home at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and the body will be taken to Lafayette this morning for burial. C. M. Spencer will make the trip with his auto-
mobile funeral car. – thanks to S&E