DRAKE, Finis
Source: Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – hand dated June 1, 1952 p 30 – kbz
Finis C. Drake, 86 years old, retired farmer and former Fountain County recorder died at 2 a.m. Sunday at his home northwest of Kingman. He had been in impaired health for the last year. Mr. Drake was born on Sept 13, 1865 in Parke County, the son of David Frank and Matilda Brooks Drake. He was married in 1894 to Suda Swaim who died in 1934, Several nieces and nephews survive. Mr. Drake taught school for a few years and served as trustee of MillCreek township at one time and was one of the best known residences of that section. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. CST on Tuesday at the Rush Creek Church conducted by Rev. Winfield Sherrill. Interment took place in the Rush Creek cemetery with the Spencer Funeral Home of Kingman in charge. – kbz