Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 29 March 1929 p 1
Mellott, March 26 - Cary Cooper, age 81 who was the only living Civil War veteran in Richland Township, died Wednesday night following an illness with bronchial pneumonia and heart trouble. Mr. Cooper was a member of Co C 151 Infantry. He enlisted at the outbreak of the war, served his enlistment period and immediately on his discharge reenlisted again. He engaged in several of the major conflicts of the war but was never injured. The deceased was born near Mellott on September 11, 1847, the son of Moses and Lucinda Cooper. He was united in marriage to Cintha Daily in January 1862. WIth the exception of the time he was in the army he spent his entire life farming in this county. Mr. Cooper was a member of the North Christian Church of Mellott and was always active in the work of the church. Those who survive the ex-soldier are the widow, Cintha Cooper, three daughters, Mrs. Effie Reichard and Mrs. Minnie McAlister of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Otto McCaw of Mellott; two sons, James and Charles Cooper, both of Mellott; three brothers, Joseph Cooper of Ashland, Ill and Miles and Preston Cooper, both of Hillsboro; as well as 33 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren. The funeral services will be held at the North Christian Church in Mellott Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. JE Fry, pastor of the church in charge. Burial will be made in the Waynetown cemetery. - kbz