CONNOR, John Franklin
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 29, 1918
A letter dated Oct 29th written by a Red Cross nurse to Mr. and Mrs. John Connnor of near here was received Wednesday morning announcing the death of their son, John Franklin Connor in France. The letter was very brief and stated that he died of fever in a hospital in southern France. A few hours later the official message from the government was received announcing his death which occurred October 28 and stated this his death was due to bronchial pneumonia. His parents had not received any word from him for about six weeks. John Franklin Connor was one of the 19 selective draft men sent from Fountain County to Camp Taylor, Ky on May 25, 1918, where he remained until July when he was sent to Camp Sherman, Ohio. His division the 84th was sent overseas in September but did not arrive in France in time to get in active service. He was a member of the field artillery. He was 28 years of age and is survived by his parents, three brothers: Gilbert, Harley and Benjamin Connor and two sisters, Mrs. Stella Bever and Mrs. Iva Livengood - kbz

The photo a the right is a copy of an original Photograph. Thanks to SR.
See a different photo in the "Military Section" for WWI on his GOLD STAR Page!
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9 Nov 1920 p1
Hillsboro, Nov 8- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Conner (sic) received a telegram Thursday from NY stating that the body of their son, Frank Connor (sic) who died in France, had arrived in the states and would be sent home as soon as a message was received from the parents giving instructions. The funeral arrangements will be announced as soon as the body arrives here. It will be remembered that Frank Connor died of Spanish influenza at Camp DeSouge, Frank in October 1919 having taken sick three days after he landed in the camp. His body is the first of the five Cain Township boys who lost their lives over there to be returned to his home. It is thought that the body will arrive by the first of the week. --kbz