MURDOCK-Citizen - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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History of Fountain County, H.W. Beckwith, 1881, pages 274-275 Published: H. H. Hill & N. Iddings - 1881 (Chicago)

Citizen Murdock, farmer, Rynear, was born in Preble county, Ohio, February 22, 1822. He was the son of William and Esther (Morse) Murdock, the latter a member of the celebrated Morse family, of which Prof. S. F. B. Morse, inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph, is so illustrious an ornament. Mr. Murdock emigrated to Tippecanoe counny in 1837, and lived on the Wea plains five years. Here he learned the carpenter's trade, working at it three years. He also farmed at this place. Until 1847 his time was divided between there and here, but in that year he permanently settled in Fountain county. In the same year also, on the 31st of October, he was married to Jane Campbell, daughter of Albert Campbell, an old settler of Cain township. Mrs. W. was born July 30, 1825. They have nine children living and two dead, as follows: William Albert, born July 24, 1849; James Henry, December 11, 1852, married October 3, 1878, to Mamie Reed ; Rebecca Ann, April 2, 1854, married October 5, 1873, to R. F. Heady; John M., November 24, 1855; Mary Ellen, April 7,1857; Sarah Emma, March 22, 1859; George W., August 2, 1860, died September 11, 1877; Melissa Jane, June 12, 1862; infant son, November 15, 1863 (deceased); Della Catherine, February 20, 1866, and Elizabeth M., December 26, l868. The £our eldest daughters belong to the church; Rebecca to the Methodist and the others to the New Light. Mr. Murdock owns 400 acres of rich land, all fenced but thirty acres of timber; 300 acres are improved. When he came west he had no property, but depended on his head and hands for what he could make. These, it is well known, have worked together for no little good to him and his numerous but intelligent family. He is a republican.

Prepared by: Thomas H. Campbell

File Created: 17 Jan 2010
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