MORLEY-Francis Henry - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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MORLEY-Francis Henry

Francis Henry MORLEY

Coolidge, Orville W. A twentieth century history of Berrien County, Michigan Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1906, p 562.

Francis Henry MORLEY was reared under the parental roof and has always resided in New Troy. Throughout his entire life he has been connected with milling interests in the operation of a saw and flouring mill. He has been identified with the manufacture of flour for the past 1/4 of a century and the mill has a daily capacity of 50 barrels. The plant is equipped with good machinery and the product is of excellent quality so that the output finds a ready sale on the market. Mr. Morley's broad experience in the business and his thorough understanding of the trade well qualify him to carry on a profitable enterprise and he is accounted one of the foremost business men of New Troy. In 1876 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Morley and Miss Emily Smith, who was born in Indiana in 1854, a daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Smith. Her father, Peter Smith was born in Salem County, NJ June 9, 1830, a son of Samuel and Sarah Smith Smith was were also native sof NJ. The latter died when her son was only 3 years old while Samuel Smith died in 1869 at age 73. In 1851 Peter Smith wedded Elizabeth Ann Huffer who was born in Fountain County, Indiana Dec 14, 1834, a daughter of John and Katharine Shafer Huffer natives of Ohio. Mrs. SMith was only 4 at the time of her father's death and was left an orphan at age 16. When only 5 Peter Smith accompanied his parents on their removal from NJ to Warren County, Ohio where they lived 12 years when the family went to Fountain County, Indiana and there he was married. He came to Berrien Co 23 Jan 1865 and locating in Wesaw Twp has resided continuously upon his farm here with the exception of a period of 16 months. He had 160 acres of land on Sections 2 and 11. When he came there were about 15 acres cleared on Sec 2 and 80 of the home farm on Sec 11. Now the entire place is under cultivation except about 10 acres and he has added good buildings and developed a well improved property. His life has been one of hard work and the success he has achieved is due entirely to his own efforts. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and for two terms served as supervisor of his township and treasuerr for two years. Unto him and his wife six children: Sarah, wife of John Hatfield of 3 Oaks Twp; Emily wife of FH Morley of New Troy; Tamsen wife of Horace Morley of Wesaw Twp; Laura wife of F.O. Hall of Muskegon; Clayton of Wesaw Twp and Charles who is engaged in merchandising in Glendora. THe marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Morley has been blessed with 4 children; Linwood; Floyd H; Hazel D and Dean. In his political views Mr Mprley is a stalwart Democrat which party he has supported throughout his entire life. He is at present township clerk and has filled the office at intervals for 25 years. He has also been a member of the school board for a 1/4 of a century and the cause of educatio has found in him a warm and stalwart friend. There is a fine school in Troy and Mr. Morley does everyhting in his power to advance its interests. Fraternally he is a Mason, belonging to the lodge at Three Oaks, and he also affiliates with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Glendora. His entire life has been passed in this locality and has friends are almost as numerous as his acquaintances showing that he has so lived as to merit the esteem and good will of all with whom he has come in contact.

File Created: 2006-Oct-19

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