MILLER-Thomas - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Indianapolis: Chapman Brothers, 1893 p 626.

Thomas MILLER, one of the active, prominent and enterprising citizens of Van Buren Twp, Fountain County, is engaged in farming and has a highly productive farm on Sec. 6. He is a son of Daniel Miller, a native of Pennsylvania, who went to live in Butler County, Ohio when 14. There he grew to manhood and in due time married Ruth, daughter of Thoms Collier, a prominent pioneer of Butler County. The father of Thomas Collier was one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. After his marriage Daniel Miller continued to reside in Butler County some 3 years on a farm that he owned. At the end of that time he came to Indiana in 1835 or 1836 and settled in Richland Township, this county where he purchased 160 acres of land, to which he subsequently added 40 acres and that was his home until he closed his eyes to the scenes of earth. He was a valued member of the Christian Church and was a Deacon for many years. In early days he was a Democrat, but afterward identified himself with the Republican party and voted for Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were the parents of 4 children, 3 of whom are living: Mary Ann, wife of Jacob Snyder, a farmer residing at Veedersburg; Thomas, and margaret, the wife of John McKnight, a farmer and grain dealer of Noble Co, Minn. Daniel W. died at age 3. The subject of this sketch was born November 7, 1838 in one of the pioneer homes of Richland Township and grew up in his native county to be one of its useful citizens. He was educated in the district schools and gained a practical knowledge of farming on his father's farm. After his marriage he retained the old homestead, which ultimately came into his possession, but in April 1855, he traded it for his present place of residence in Van Buren Twp. His farm consists of 90 acres of the richest land in Fountain which has been well developed by judicious cultivation and produces abundant crops of grain, from 50 to 75 bushels of corn and upwards of 30 bushels of wheat to the acre being the average yield. The improvements that our subject has made upon it are of a good class. The marriage of Mr. Miller with Miss Martha A, daughter of Hiram Morehouse, was contracted in his native township. Mrs. Miller's father was an early settler of Van Buren Township, coming here from Ohio. His father was from New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have had six children, all of whom but one, Adelia who died at age 3 and 1/2 years are still living. The others are Zulemia, wife of Frank Cook of Van Buren Twp; Louella, wife of Edward Helm; Bert, Vernon and Lucretia. The last three are at home with their parents. Our subject is sound in politics and adheres to the Republican Party. He belongs to the Farmers Detective Association of Richland Township, and he is an important member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association of which he is vice president. He and his wife are among the leading members of the Christian Church of which he is a Deacon. His two eldest daughters also belong to the church and all are greatly interested in the Sunday School, in which he served as Superintendent at one time.

File Created: Jan 21, 2008
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