MILES-W.H. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 149

W. H. Miles, merchant, Covington, was born in Troy township, Fountain county, in 1841, and is the son of Gabriel and Ruth (Alkire) Miles, who settled in Fountain county in the fall of 1835. He was brought up on a farm, and received his early education at the district schools. When grown to man's estate he engaged in farming on his own account, and followed it as a business until 1875, when he and his brother, J. R. Miles, engaged in the mercantile trade, and were associated together for one year, since which time he has conducted the business alone. At the democratic convention for the nomination of candidates for election to the county offices in October, 1880, he was nominated their candidate for county treasurer, and was only defeated by about a dozen votes. He would undoubtedly have been elected had not unfair measures been taken to secure his defeat. Mr. Miles is an energetic and enterprising man, who has a large circle of friends, and who, in the building up and establishing a good business, has been wholly dependent upon his own resources. He is a member of the order of A.F. and A.M., and is at present filling the following offices: captain of the host in the chapter, principal conductor of the work in the council, and junior warden in the blue lodge. He is also a member of the order of K. of P.

File Created: 2007-Apr-02
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