MEHARRY-Greenleaf - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Greenleaf Norton MEHARRY

Source: Smith, B. Wilson, et al. Past and Present of Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind.: B.F. Bowen & Co., 1909 p 969 --

Greenlead Norton Meharry - A well-remembered and highly respected citizen of
Jackson Twp, Tippecanoe Co In was the late Greenleaf Norton Meharry, than whom a more whole-souled or genteel gentleman it would have been difficult to find and as a result of his many admirable qualities he was held in high favor throughout the county. He was born in Fountain County, Indiana July 16, 1831, the son of James and Margaret ingram (Francis) Meharry, the former a native of Adams co ind and latter of
Ireland. She came with her parents to the US when young and settled in Ohio where she married James Meharry and soon afterwards came to Fountain County, Indiana where their son Greenleaf N. was born. Shortly afterwards his parents moved to Montgomery County, this state, where they lived on a farm until their deaths and are sleeping the last sleep in what is known as the Meharry Cemetery near Wingate, Montgomery County. they were the parents of 5 children, 4 of whom grew to maturity, one dying in childhood, Greenleaf N being the second in order of birth.  The other children were Mary Agatha, Cornelia Bennett, Allen Wiley and James Alexander the only one living now being Allen. Greenlead Norton Meharry after receiving the usual schooling for a lad of his times and casting about for a time for a life work, chose as a helpmeet on October 22, 1856, Letitia Meharry, the wedding occuring in Canada. Mrs. Meharry
was a native of Ontario, Durham County, her birth occurring March 21, 1835. She was educated in the schools of her native province. She attended two ladies' seminaries and received an excellent education,
which has since been supplemented by wide reading. Mrs. Meharry is the daughter of Robert and Letitia Blackstock Meharry, both natives of Ireland. The father came to Canada with his parents when only 9; the
other came tot his country with her parents when 3 years of age. The grandparents of Mrs. Greenlead N. Meharry all died in Wea Plains.  Robert Meharry was born in County Cavan, Ireland June 16, 1810; his wife
was born in that country Aug 24, 1816. They were married in Durham County, Ontario Feb 29, 1832 in which country they remained all their married lives, being farmers by occupation. The father died Dec 28,
1878 at age 69; his widow survived him several years dying Dec 12, 1903, attaining the advanced age of 87. Both are buried in Durham County, Ontario. They were the parents of 12 children 7 daughters and 5 sons, 11 of whom grew to maturity, one having died in childhood. Mrs. Greenleaf N. Meharry being the 2nd of the number in order of birth. The others are: Mary Jane, Elizabeth B., Hugh Blackstock, Anna Eliza, John
Wesley, Matilda, Charltote, Jesse R. B., Rebecca, Palmer and Edward. Eight of these children are now living. When Mr. and Mrs. Greenleaf N. Meharry were married they settled upon the farm where Mrs. Meharry now resides. It has been developed from very rough conditions to one of the best landed estates in Jackson Twp. They set to work with a will and soon had a very comfortable home and a well improved farm which yielded an excellent income from year to year. Mr. Meharry was called from his earthly labors August 3, 1895 at the age of 65 years and was buried in the Meharry Cemetery in Montgomery County. He left his family well provided for, Mrs. Meharry now being the owner of 240 acres of fine farming land in Jackson Twp, all well improved with modern conveniences.  She has a beautiful residence, nicely furnished and standing in the midst of attractive surroundings. General farming is successfully carried on, and Mrs. Meharry and two of her daughters, who have remained single, preferring to live with their mother, enjoy the society of a wide circle of friends in the community. To Mr. and Mrs. Greenleaf N. Meharry 9 children were born 4 daughters 5 sons, 3 of the number dying in childhood. those surviving: Florence, who was born March 25, 1860 has remained single and a member of the home circle; Eddie E, who was born June 11, 1862, married Emma Lanfear and they resided in Colfax, McLean Co Ill; Robert E, who was born Aug 30, 1864 married Belle Davidson they reside in McLean Co Ill and are parents of one daughter, Ada Lucile born July 5, 1894; Annie V, who was born December 17, 1866 has remained single and is living at home; Ira GH who was born Aug 24, 1873 married Agnes D. Sayers, they reside in Tippecanoe County and are parents of 3 children, Carrie L, Clare Alexander and Hugh; Judd, who was born Sept 5, 1878 married Ethel Hillis, they reside in Montgomery County and are parents of two children, Josephine Frances and Roy Hillis. These children all received every care and attention possible at the hands of their solicitous parents and are all well equipped and fairly well situated in reference to this world's affairs. Greenleaf N. Meharry was
a Republican and although he took an active part in local political affairs, he never aspired to public office. In his younger days he was a member of the Good Templars order and a strong advocate of temperance.
During the Civil War he was a member of the local organization known as the "Know-Nothings" the followers of which favored abolishing slavery.  Mrs. Meharry and her children are active and prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church holding their membership at Shawnee Mound Church. Mr. Meharry was a liberal supporter of the Church and an active worker in the same, having been supt. of Sunday School and was both steward and trustee of the local church - in fact, he was a pillar in
the same and is greatly missed. He had hosts of friends as a result of his public spirit, his industrious and upright life and his kindness.  Mrs. Meharry and her daughters are also held in high esteem by all who
know them and their pleasant home is often the gathering place of numerous friends who ever find good cheer and hospitality prevailing there.

Source: Crawfordsville Star, May 10, 1877 p 1

The case of Allen W. Meharry, a person of assumed unsound mind, by his next friend John E. Hanna  vs. G. Norton Meharry, a complaint to remove guardian, demanded the attention of the Circuit Court on yesterday. The trial was by jury, whose verdict was that Allen Meharry is a person of sound mind and capable of managing his own estate, and the guardianship was removed.  Dr. McIntyre, Supt of the Deaf & Dumb Asylum of Indianapolis occupied the witness box during the trial interpreting for the court   --- typed by kbz

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