McKNIGHT - Stuart - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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McKNIGHT - Stuart

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 17 Nov 1954 p 3
Newtown – The transfer of the Newtown State Bank to the ownership of the Central national Bank and Trust Company of Attica has been completed. The purchase also includes the present bank building which was construction in 1904.  It will operate with the same personnel, which will include Stuart McKnight, Miss Ruth Aydelotte and Mrs. Sewell Witt. The 50th anniversary of the founding of the bank was celebrated this month. However in incorporation the local state bank into a National bank with a larger capital structure, the credit needs of the community will be better served. Four presidents have served the local institution.  They are: Horace Gray, Herbert Campbell, WV Stanfield (all deceased) and J.R. Campbell the present president who began his presidency in 1938. It was under his presidency in 1946 that it was made a state bank from a private bank.  There also have been four cashiers: Edward Harris, Chalmer Shultz, DB Gray and Stuart McKnight. It will be known as the Newtown Branch of the Central National Bank and Trust Co. of Attica and this will appear on the checks.

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 6 Sept 1954 p 4

Newtown – Stuart McKnight, a former Newtown resident has been named cashier of the Newtown State bank. He has entered upon his duties, succeeding the late DB Gray who was cashier for 30 years before his death in July.

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Wed 1 Sept 1965 p 3

Stuart McKnight who bought the home of the late Hattie Smith has modernized the home and has moved there from the farm west of Wingate. McKnight is cashier of the Newtown Bank. Milford Abolt has bought the town residence of Stuart McKnight and will move there in a few days. The Abolt family has been residing in the residence property of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shultz (who have been residing on the farm of the late Blanche Ogle and expect to move to town in a few weeks).

Source: Laf J-C Mon 12 Jan 1953 p 11

Annual recognition service for perfect attendance in the Presbyterian SS was held Sunday with Mrs. Carl Gray rec’v 35 carnations, one for each year. This record may be a national record. Others Murray Shultz, HG Quick and patricia Quirk, 7 each; David Greeburg, Stuart McKnight and David McKnight two each …officers elected for the 1953 year in the Presbyt SS were: Supt’d Stuart McKnight; asst sup Robert Quick, pianist, Miss Patricia Quirk …

Source: Rushville Republican Fri 25 Aug 1944 p 8

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Overman and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Overman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Schumpert and Capt. Stuart McKnight and children enjoyed a family picnic dinner at Riley Park, Greenfield Sunday. In the afternoon the group called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatfield and mother, Mrs. Ida Hatfield in Greenfield.

Source: Laf J-C Sat 16 July 1955 p 14

Newtown – Mrs. Stuart McKnight, music teacher in the Coal Creek Central school and Mrs. Eloise Shade who will teach music in the Richland Township school this coming year attended the first annual high school band workshop at Purdue. 40 HS band students and directors from 7 states are attending and approx. 125 student musicians and 30 majorettes.  Miss Janet Smith and Miss Marcia McKnight members of the Richland Twp school band are among the student musicians who are attending.

Source: Laf J-C Fri 8 July 1932 p 2

Newtown – Newtown Presby Church with many friends from other churches were present Sunday for special services.  Bountiful basket dinner – after dinner speakers were Glenn McKinney, IL McKNIGHT …  Stuart McKnight of Indianapolis sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. McKnight at the piano.
Rushville Republican Sat 2 Sept 1950 p 6 – M/M Frank Overman entertained Sunday at their home, Julian Overman and family and Stuart McKnight and family of Wingate; Mrs. …

Source: Tri-Co Banner, Knightstown Fri 14 Nov 1947 p 8

M/M Frank Overman observed their 50th wedding anniversary last Sunday with Open House in the afternoon and evening, about 90 friends and relatives calling.  Phone calls from their children unable to be present- Mrs. Helen Magruder in Louisiana; Mrs. Josephin Schumpert in Jacksonville, Fla and Julian Overman at Chicago. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McKnight and his father, IL McKnight of Attica … WONDER IF THAT is in his diary?  Hmmm

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