McGEORGE-T.H. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 159

T.H. MCGEORGE, hardware, Covington, who is now one of the leading merchants of Covington, is a native of Cincinnati. He came to Covington in 1855 and was then but nineteen years old. He spent the time from 1852 until 1855 in the cities of LaFayette and Indianapolis, Indiana and Aurora Illinois. The principal part of this time he engaged in railroading and at one time was known as the youngest engineer in the State of Indiana, he being only eighteen years old. In 1855 Mr. McGeorge came to Covington to build a saw mill and engage in the manufacture of lumber. This however he gave up after a time and began work in the foundry in which in a short time he bought a half interest. He continued interest in this line until about three years ago, when he sold out to Mr. Dunkerly, since which time he has been engaged in the sale of hardware and agricultural implements. In both branches of his trade he is now doing an extensive business. In reaping machines alone during the season of 1880 he made 123 sales/ He buys all his good for cash and principally in car-load lots. Mr. McGeorge has been twice married; first in 1857 to Miss Anna G. Stewart, and again in 1878 to a Mrs. Crievling. His family consists of five children; two boys and three girls.

File Created: 2007-Apr-02
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