McCABE, Judge James - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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McCABE, Judge James

Source: A W Bowen History Of Montgomery County, Indiana p 1254

Standing out distinctly as one of the central figures of the judiciary
of Indiana of the generations that are past is the name of the late
Judge James McCabe of Williamsport.  Prominent in legal circles and
equally so in public matters beyond the confines of Warren County, with
a reputation in one of the most exacting of professions that won him a
name for distinguished services second to that of none of his
contemporaries, there was for many years no more prominent or honored
man in Western Indian a, which he long dignified with his citizenship.  
Achieving success in the courts at an age when most young men are just
entering upon the formative period of their lives, wearing the judicial
ermine with becoming dignity and bringing to every case submitted to him
a clearness of perception and ready power of analysis characteristic of
the learned jurist, his name and work for decades were allied with the
legal institutions, public enterprises and political interests of the
state in such a way as to earn him recognition as one of the
distinguished citizens in a community noted for the high order of its
talent.  A high purpose and an unconquerable will, vigorous mental
powers, diligent study and devotion to duty were so me of the means by
which he made himself the prospect of ultimate success may pursue with
profit the biography herewith presented for therein are embodied many
lessons as well as incentive and although he "serenely sleeps int he
windowless places of rest," his influence is still a part of many lives,
making them better and happier thus Shakespeare wrote, "The good that
men do lives after them."  Judge James McCabe was born in Darke County,
Ohio, July 4, 1834.  His father James McCabe, Sr. was a native of
Middletown, south of Terre Haute, Indiana and his mother was Jane Lee, a
daughter of an old Virginia Family.  After their marriage, the senior
McCabe and his young wife went to Ohio and there the subject of this
memoir was born, being one of 5 sons.  While an infant his parents moved
to Kosciusko Co, Indiana. From there they went to Ill and the boy that
afterward became one of the supreme judges of Indiana plowed prairie sod
with an ox team on the ground where Watseka now stands.  Three of the
sons of the stern Whig father left home, coming to Indiana and James was
one of the three.  He went to Crawfordsville, attracted there by the
presence of relatives of his mother, the Lees.

At this time he was 17 and here it was that he first went to school,
having had no learning whatever up to this time.  His first schooling
was at a night school taught by Judge Naylor, one of the well known
members of the bar.  He made his living while in school by working on
the Monon railroad as a section hand and he boarded wherever was handy.
At the age of 18 he married Serena, the daughter of M.M. Vancleave, with
whom he boarded a part of the time.  The marriage occurred on M arch 24,
1853, when the bride was but 16.  The couple began housekeeping on a
farm 7 miles from Crawfordsville.  One day, when work on the fa rm had
grown slack, he rode to Crawfordsville and impelled mainly by curiosity,
attended a murder trial in which the prosecutor was the great criminal
lawyer, Daniel W. Voorhees and the defendant's attorney was Edward
Hannegan.  The splendid eloquence of these two distinguished lawyers was
enough; then and there Mr. McCabe conceived the ambition to be a lawyer.
He never parted from that idea.  In the winter, Judge McCabe taught
school and in the summer he followed any vocation which was convenient,
always with the hope of succeeding in his chosen profession.  He lived
at Oxford and Pine Village in succession and, finally being admitted to
the bar, he became a resident of Williamsport in 1861.  Here success was
slow in coming; he passed through the "starvation period" which is
legion with the legal profession.  He knew what it was to walk to Walnut
Grove to argue a cause before the squire, but his labors were lightened
usually by his success.  In politics, Judge McCabe was a Democrat, the
reason of which is characteristic.  He, and his wife's people were Hard
Shell Baptists, and believed absolutely in the literal interpretation of
the Bible, and considered that it sanctioned slavery.  Therefore, he
allied himself with the Democratic party, although his father was a Whig
of uncompromising type.  Twice was he nominated for Congress and in a
strong Republican district defeated by only narrow margins. In 1892 he
was elected to the state supreme court for a term of six years. Although
nominated for a second term, he was defeated with the rest of the ticket.

Three very important opinions were handed down by Judge McCabe while on
the bench. The most noted was that of Haggart vs. Stehlin, 137 Indiana,
43.  This was one of the noted supreme court decisions that have for
many years been cutting down the privileges of the saloon, the most
infamous institution that society sanctions. He took advanced ground in
this decision, going far beyond any ideas that had ever been presented
in any court in the world.  The gist of the decision, which was rendered
in 1898, was that a saloon may become a nuisance, may be enjoined and
may have judgement for damages rendered against it.  So far reaching was
this decision that it was widely commented upon not only in America, but
in Europe. The Literary Digest gave it considerable space.  An
interesting fact is that John W Kern, the present US Senator from
Indiana was the saloon man's attorney.  Another famous case was that in
which the decision of the lower court sentencing HInshaw, the preacher
who murdered his wife to the state prison for life was confirmed.  The
evidence was purely circumstantial, but the opinion of Judge McCabe
reads like a fascinating detective story.  And one more famous opinion
was that in which he repelled an attack on Indiana law that might have
reduced the state to anarchy.  Some man had tried to enjoin the holding
of an election on the grounds that a legislative apportionment had been
illegal.  Judge McCabe showed that if possibly such could be the case,
then the very argument of the petitioner would be illegal for the same
reason and he denied the right of the plaintiffs to be heard on the
question.  As a public speaker, Judge McCabe had few equals, his oratory
being of a style that entranced those who heard him.  His diction was
perfect, his logic irresistible, his illustrations well chosen, while
his well modulated voice, graceful gestures and charm of manner all
contributed to a most remarkable success int he legal and political
forum.  Some of his most pleasing and affective speeches were made
extemporaneously, for his general knowledge w as so broad and
comprehensive, his grasp of a subject in all its aspects so quick, and
his talent as a speaker so natural, that he could easily, without
preparation, make addresses that would have been creditable to most men
after careful preparation.  After his retirement from the bench Judge
McCabe practiced law with his son under the firm name of McCabe &
McCabe.  He enjoyed a lucrative practice and many times as special
judge.  The death of Judge McCabe occurred March 23, 1911 at his home in
Wlliamsport after an illness of long duration.  Judge McCabe left,
besides the faithful wife, three children: namely, Nancy Ellen, wife of
JB Gwin of Indianapolis; Edwin F, a well known and successful attorney
at Williamsport and Charles M, a successful lawyer of Crawfordsville of
the firm of Crane & McCabe.  There are 12 grandchildren and five great
grandchildren.  Mrs. McCabe is the daughter of Mathias and Nancy
(Nicholson) Vancleave and she was born in Ross county, Ohio.  Mathias
VanCleave was born near Shelbyville, Kentucky in 1810, and he was
educated mostly in his native state.  He was a Baptist minister of
considerable reputation and he finally came to Indiana and established
the family home near Crawfordsville, where they continued to reside for
nearly a half century. He was primarily a self-made man, and most of his
higher learning was obtained by home study.  His family consisted of six
children, Mrs. Serena McCabe having been 3rd in order of birth. The bar
of Warren Circuit Court held a memorial service at Williamsport on May
7, 1911 when the last tribute of respect and honor to his memory was
paid by an immense crowd of neighbors and friends.

Many prominent and distinguished jurists and state officers were
present; former Appellate Judge Joseph M. Rabb presided. Addresses were
made by others, the principal speaker being William Jennings Bryan, the
Nebraska commoner having been a close personal friends of Judge McCabe
and his active associate in national politics. Mr. Bryan paid a splendid
tribute to Judge McCabe, detailing the characteristics that controlled
his action and naming the four cornerstones upon which the judge's life
was built as God, home, society and government.  He enlarged upon and
showed how the life of a successful man was so builded, particularly
that of Judge McCabe.

The following memorial was prepared by the local bar association, the
committee drafting the resolutions being Wm. H. Durborow, HD Billings,
Victor H. Ringer and Chester G. Rossiter; part of the memorial, bearing
on the life of the deceased is omitted to avoid repetition from
foregoing paragraphs in this sketch: "From 1861 until his elevation to
the supreme bench of the state, Judge McCabe's career as a lawyer was
one of unremitting labor, crowned with remarkable success.  By his power
of oratory, he could sway a jury as few lawyers could. When espousing a
client's cause he never rested form  his efforts in his behalf. He had a
large, varied and widely extended practice, and could and did meet the
most distinguished lawyers on equal terms.

During his term of six years on the bench, the opinions prepared by him
have become masterpieces of profound learning, many of them on public
questions of lasting benefit to the people of the state at large.  But
his life work is of lasting benefit to the people of the state at
large.  But his life work is finished. It was well and ably done.  In
summing up the professional career of this honored and honorable
gentlemen, it can be truthfully said, that "As an advocate he possessed
a remarkable power of clear statement and convincing logic.  As a
counselor he was exact, careful and carried his researches into the
remotest sources of the law.  As a public orator, he swayed men with
force of argument, and molded t heir ideas to coincide with his own.  As
a judge, he was upright, masterful and added luster to the bench of a
mighty state; therefore be it..resolved by the bar of Warren Circuit
Court that in the death of Judge James McCabe our bar has lost the
guidance of its oldest and wisest member; with reverence we will be
guided by his precept and example.

That his family has lost a devoted and loving husband and father and
have the sympathy of our bar. That the state has lost a wise and able
jurist, the community a popular and distinguished citizen.  Be it
further resolved that the memorial and these resolutions be spread on
record in the order book of the Warren Circuit Court, a copy thereof be
furnished by the clerk, under his hand and seal of the court, to the
family of our deceased member and that a copy be published in the county
papers.  As a further insight into the character of Judge McCabe, the
following letter from US Senator John W. Kern of Indianapolis, written
to the son of the subject of this memoir, will be of interest: I learned
this morning of the death of your father, and hasten to express my deep
sympathy and to assure you that I am one of his many friends who are
today mourning his many noble qualities of head and heart.  I had known
James McCabe since the days of my early manhood, and my admiration for
him increased as the years rolled by until it amounted to genuine
affection.  He was a man of sterling qualities.  His convictions were
positive and always expressed fearlessly, though he always manifested a
rare spirit of charity towards those who honestly differed from him in
opinion.  He was a just judge, whose first aim was the security of
justice to the litigant and to maintain at the same ti me the dignity of
the high judicial office which he so long honored.  As a lawyer, he
threw his whole soul into his work and to his great le gal knowledge he
added the saving grace of common sense in such a degree as to make him a
most formidable adversary.  As a citizen he stood for the highest ideals
and his voice was always to be heard in behalf of temperance and
morality.  But it was as a friend, true, loyal and devoted that he won
my personal affection so that I now mourn with you as a kinsman ."

Source: Crawfordsville Review March 30, 1911 p 4

The Saturday Press of Attica prints the following story of Judge James
F. McCabe who died Thursday morning at Five Points, Indiana:

"Judge McCabe was a self-made man and rose by his own efforts from an
untutored plowboy to a position on the supreme bench of the great state
of Indiana by his own efforts.  He was born in Darke County, Ohio July
4, 1834, but while he was still an infant the family moved to Kosciusko
County, this state.  When 16 he ran away from home and walked to
Crawfordsville, where he secured work on the Monon Railroad then under
construction.  He remained there several years and while there attended
school two terms.

Although by that time he was a grown man he had never had a day's
schooling and could neither read nor write.  But he was determined to
get an education and studied diligently at nights until he finally
fitted himself for school teaching.  He went from Crawfordsville to
Oxford, where he resided for a time, going thence to Pine Village.  
There he taught school in the winter and farmed in the summer, studying
law so diligently in the meantime that in the fall of 1861, he went to
Williamsport, was admitted to the bar and opened a law office.  His
indefatigable energy served him well and he soon attained a prominent
place among the members of the bar.

Being an ardent Democrat, Mr. McCabe took a prominent part in politics
and soon won a place in the state councils of this party.  He was twice
a candidate for congress but was defeated each time, one of the
campaigns, in which Godlove S. Orth was his opponent, being memorable.
In 1892 he was nominated for supreme judge and was elected.  He served
until 1899 when he went down in defeat with his party.  He returned to
Williamsport and since that time has continued to practice in the local
courts with his son, Edwin F. McCabe with whom he was in partnership.

He was married to Serena VanCleave March 23, 1853, and she still
survives to mourn his death.  They gave to the world three children:  
Mrs. JB Gwin of Indianapolis; Edwin F of Williamsport and Charles M, a
prominent attorney of Crawfordsville. - typed by kbz

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