McBROOM-John - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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"SOMETHING FOR TOMMORROW"  -- Diary of John McBroom, Fountain County, Indiana 1822
Preface by Lucille McBroom Crumley
Retyped 2007 by  Fountain County Genealogy Society, Inc.


Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: HH Hill, 1881, p. 483, 484, 485 Cain Township

MCBROOM family, Hillsboro. One of the families which has taken a most prominent position in the settlement of Cain township was that of John McBroom, who, along with his brother, Edward, and John Cain, settled in Cain township, and erected the first cabins within its borders, in 1823, and were the first men to enter land at the land office at Crawfordsville, and paid the first money to Maj. Whitlock at that point. The family is originally of Scots-Irish descent, three brothers, Henry, William and John having emigrated to the United States prior to the revolutionary war, in which they took part. Grandfather McBroom was taken prisoner on two occasions. After the war Grandfather McBroom settled in Virginia, where the late John McBroom was born and raised, receiving his education from his wife, who was a fine scholar. She was the daughter of Benjamin Snodgrass, one of the revolutionary heroes, who took a prominent part in the siege of Yorktown, and who afterward settled in Kentucky, where he had a large property, and reared his daughter in wealth and luxury, but entered into litigation about his land, eventually losing it all, and came to poverty. They were married in 1818, and removed to Wayne County, Indiana, and then removed to Fountain County in 1823, as already stated. Here they raised their family, consisting of four sons and one daughter: Elam, Jane (married to Henry Cade), Warner, J.M., and Harvey. Elam S. McBroom was born in Wayne County in 1821, and was raised on the homestead in this county, where, as he grew up, he assisted in redeeming the farm from the surrounding wilderness. He received the greater portion of his educat ion from his mother, and was one of the first pupils at the pioneer log schoolhouse, which was erected on the bank of the creek near Hillsboro. He was married to Miss Annie Ainsworth, daughter of Father Andrew Ainsworth, one of the pioneers, and who at present writing is still alive at Covington. The result of this union is a family of seven children: John A., Alva, Addison F., Seldo n W., Amanda Alice, Elbridge, and Emma. Two are deceased: Alva and Amanda A lice. The latter92s death took place December 4, 1870. Her memory will eve r be green in the hearts of a wide circle of relatives and friends. Mr. McBroom has devoted his attention principally to farming and stock raising, hi s beautiful farm of 230 acres being one of the best in the county. He is a consistent member of the Christian church, and politically is a republican. J.M. McBroom, and another son of John McBroom, is one of the most prominent men of Cain township. He was born October 8, 1822, and what little education he acquired at the primitive log school-house he afterward perfected and improved upon by self-culture and study, having had the rudiments of a so lid education imparted to him by his talented mother. Like the rest of the family he was raised on the farm, though he has always endeavored to find time for literary pursuits. During his youth he engaged in school-teaching, and for twenty years has been a preacher of the Christian church, and one of the main up-builders and up-holders of the congregation at this place, the first organization of this congregation having taken place at the residence of his father. He was married to Miss Mary, the third daughter of Father Ainsworth, and who died twelve years ago, leaving him and a family of seven child ren to lament her decease. His children are: Joseph Warren, who is now principal of the High School at Covington, and who is a graduate of Wabash College; Andrew, Harvey, Mattie (married), Hattie and Ella. Josephine, his other daughter (deceased), was a young lady of fine education and ability, and was a true Christian. Mr. McBroom now resides on his farm with his two daug hters and two sons, and oversees the management of his farm of 300 acres, w hich he has acquired by his own industry. During his career he has traveled a great deal, having been in eighteen states, including the Indian Territory and Texas, and in the latter state bought 1,280 acres of splendid land, which he still owns. We are greatly indebted to him for numerous facts and incident s which appear in the history of Cain township, and where other items regar ding the history of this pioneer family will be found. Addison McBroom son of Elam S. McBroom, was born August 8, 1848, in Cain township, and was rais ed on the old homestead. On coming to manhood he clerked in a dry-goods store for some years, then in 1866, in partnership with his brother, opened a store at Hillsboro, which they conducted one year. He then sold his interes t in the store and returned to the farm, where he continued in agricultural pursuits for about twelve months, and then went to Sherman, Texas, where he was employed as land agent. After a year's residence he returned to Hillsboro and opened a general grocery store, under the partnership name of McBroom & Linville, in which business he still continues, and is building up a large and extensive trade. He married, in 1868, Miss McBroom, and she having die d, in 1875 he was united to Miss Emma Fairbanks, and has a family of two children, Erett and Alice. Mr. McBroom is a prominent member of the I.O.O.F., and is a member of the Christian church. He also fills the position of postmaster here, and in politics is strongly republican.

File Created: 2007-Mar-28
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