MAYER-Michael - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Michael MAYER, Jr.

Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 708

Michael MAYER, hardware merchant of Covington, Indiana. In few branches of trade has the march of progress wrought such a veritable revolution as in the stove and kindred lines of business. What with invention, improvement and the development of skill, something akin to perfection has been reached in this department of industrial activity. A prosperous and popular establishment in this line is that of which Mr. Mayer is the proprietor. This well-known merchant and man of affairs was born in Wurtemberg, Germany in the village of Reilingshausen near Marburg Sept 21, 1824, being a son of Jacob Mayer. In the land of his birth he learned the trade of baker and confectioner, at which he worked with fair results until 1847 in July of which year he came to the US and located at Pittsburgh, PA and worked as a journeyman in that city, Cincinnati and Maysville, Ky until 1857 when he located at Delphi, Indiana. There he opened a bakery which soon won an excellent reputation for the fine bread and cake he manufactured. After remaining there a few months he went to Lafayette, where he successfully conducted his business for 3 years at the end of which time he again returned to Delphi and there remained 2 years. Since that time our subject has resided in Covington and his career here as a man of business was first as a baker and confectioner which occupation received his attention until 1880. His establishment soon found its way into popular favor for he was a fancy as well as a practical baker and his personal supervision and attention were given to all the baking done at his house. He aimed to make his goods not only palatable but wholesome also and his house was noted for its absolute cleanliness, which facts led to the extensive and profitable patronage he received. In 1881 he returned on a visit to the Fatherland where he remained 4 months during which time he was satisfied to return to his adopted country. In 1882 he bought an interest in a hardware establishment being the successor of Weldon Brothers who had failed in business having established themselves about 1880 and Mr. Mayer took for his partner George Meitzler. They deal in stoves, ranges, house furnishing hardware, etc. and no business man of the city has been more fortunate in establishing and maintaining a high reputation both as to the superiority of the goods handled and the prompt manner in which all orders are filled. He is a gentleman of push and enterprise, thoroughly conversant with the wants of the trade, and popular alike with his patrons and trade competitors. Mr. Mayer was married in October 1856 in Westonia, Ohio to Miss Margaret Schriter, and in time a family of 5 children gathered about their hearthstone: Margaret Lena, wife of Homer Sewell; Lydia who is unmarried; Michael who is clerking in a store; George who is attending Normal College and Edward, a school boy. The building in which Mr. Mayer is doing business has a frontage of 106' contains 5 stores and was erected at a cost of $26,000. It is a handsome structure, a credit to the town, and speaks in an eloquent manner as to Mr. Mayer's business acumen.


Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 160

MICHAEL MAYER, retired, Covington, a man in whom the people of Covington may be excused for taking a justifiable pride as when pointing to his as a thoroughly self-made man and one who has done much toward building up the business interests of the place. He is a native of Wartemburg Germany where he was born in the year 1825. He received a good education and had nearly completed learning the trade of a baker when in 1847 he immigrated to the United States. He came without the company of any members of his family. His people were wealthy and had he remained his success would probably have been assured. But being possessed of a fair share of self reliance and a determination to do for himself he came to America and the result of his business career is proof of his ability and determination. After reaching this country he first settled in the City of Pittsburg Pennsylvania and began working at his trade. He remained there but a few months and then went to Cincinnati where he remained till 1851, the to LaFayette and from thence to Delphi, where he worked for about two years and then in 1856 came to Covington. Here he began business for himself on a capital of about $1500. In his business transactions he has been more generous and liberal than is usual with merchants yet he has accumulated a large fortune which now at the age of fifty-five years settling down to enjoy. He sold out his extensive business August 9 1880. Mr. Mayer is a member of the order of Odd-Fellows and also the order of A.F. and A.M

File Created: 2006-Aug-16
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