MATTOX-Elijah D. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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MATTOX-Elijah D.


Source: Past and Present of Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana. Indianapolis, In: B.F. Bowen, 1913 p 880

Through stuggles to triumps seems to be the maxim which holds sway for the majority of our successful and worthy citizens and, though it is undeniably true that many a one falls exhausted in the conflict, a few by their inherent force of character and strong mentality rise above their environments and all which seems to hinder them until they reacha position of affluence and influence. It is not the weaklings that accomplish worthy ends in the face of opposition, but those with nerve and inititative whose motto is: "He never fails who never gives up," and with this terse aphorism in view, emblazoned on the pillar of clouds as it were, before them, they forge ahead until the sunny summits of life are reached and they can breathe the purer air that inspires the souls of men in respite. Such has been the history of Elijah D. Mattox, one of the leading farmers of Davis Township, and in his life record many useful lessons may be gained. Mr. Mattox was born in KY, Jan 25, 1840 and is a son of John Wesley and Cynthia Ann (Smalley) Mattox. The mother passed away when the subject was three months old, the father subsequently moving to Missouri, thence to near Peru, Indiana where he died. He was twice married and had 3 children by his first wife, namely: Mary Jane is deceased; Joshua lives in Randolph, Indiana and Elijah D of this sketch. To John Wesley Mattox and his second wife six children were born: Alexander who lives in Missouri; George lives in Randolph County; James who was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War was killed in the service at Atlanta, GA; William lives in Illinois; Marion lives in Kansas. The father of the above children devoted his life to farming. Elijah D. Mattox received a meager education in the common schools. When only 5, he was bound out and remained until he was 8, then ran away and came to Fountain County Indiana. He worked out as a day laborer for a period of 7 years, the first real money he earned being $4 per month. He was economical and finally saved enough money to begin farming for himself and he is still actively engaged being now the owner of a fine and well improved farm of 260 acres in Davis Twp, where he is carrying on general farming and stock raising on an extensive scale. He has a fine home and good outbuildings, everything about the place denoting thrift and good management. He has been exceptionally successful and is a splendid example of a self-made man, deserving a great deal of credit for what he has acomplished. Mr. Mattox was married August 15, 1862 to Martha Funk, daughter of Elijah and Anna Lucas Funk who came to Fountain County Indiana from Ohio and here became well established. A complete sketch of Mr. Funk and family appears elsewhere in this volume. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mattox: Nettie married James Nuss and they live in Fresno, California Wilard lives at Hammond, Indiana; Hiram is deceased; Anna married Edmond Busenbark of Logan Twp; Cynthia married Samuel Reed; Frank lives in Davis Twp; Daniel E and Lee both live in California; Gabriel lives in Indianapolis; Newtown lives in Shawnee Twp. Mr. Mattox enlisted for service in the Union Army but was refused on account of his age. He is a Democrat, but has nevr sought public office. He belongs to the United Brethren Church.
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