MARTIN-Jonathan B - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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MARTIN-Jonathan B

Jonathan B. MARTIN

Beckwith, H.W. History of Fountain County Chicago, H.H. Hill and N. Iddings, 1881. Page 123.

Jno. B. MARTIN, attorney, Covington, though a young attorney, has already won some distinction at the Fountain County bar; he is a native of the county. His mother, whow as MIss Zorelda E. ATKINSON came to this county with her parents in 1829. His father came in 1832. Jno. B. was educated here, and at age 16 began as bundle carrier in the mercantile house of James G. Hardy. In 3 years' time he had worked his way to the position of book keeper and remained in the house until 1872. He was 24 when he left Mr. Hardy. He then went to Oregon and for 2 yeares had charge of a land office under Gov. Grover. He returned to Covington in June 1874 and began the study of law and in June, 1875, was formally admitted to practice. In 1876 he formed a parternship with Mr. H.H. Stilwell, with whom he was associated until 1879, since which time he has been alone in the practice. Since 21 years of age he has been a member of the Masonic order. He is now a member of Fountain Lodge, No 60 and of the Covington council and chapter and of Crawfordsville Commandery, No. 25.

File Created: Oct 06, 2007
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