MARTIN-John S. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p 363

John S. MARTIN, a highly respected and representative farmer and progressive citizen of Richland Township, Fountain County, Indiana has been greatly prospered in the pursuit of agriculture, and through energetic and efficient management has become the owner of a valuable and large landed estate. As an enterprising business man our subject was interested in the organization of the bank of Wingate, and is now a substantial stockholder in that flourishing institution. Mr. Martin has been a resident of the county for 60 years and during that time has been one of the chief promoters of its upward progress, laboring harmoniously with other co-workers in themarch of improvmeents and winning in his efforts for the common good, the esteem of the community by whom he has been surrounded. Born in Miami Co OH in 1829, Mr. Martin came with his parents to the west when 3 and located on the farm where he now lives and which he has owned ever since the death of his father. His parents, Ephraim & Rhoda Sayers Martin were natives of the east, Mr. Martin having been born in NJ where his parents the paternal grandparents of our subject were also born. Grandafther John Martin early located with his family in PA and there Ephraim met and married his wife, Rhoda, who was a native of the Quaker State. John was their youngest child in the family of six, who grew to mature years. Louisa married Jospeh D. PIERCE of Fountain County; Charlotte is the wife of Jacob LUSE of Montgomery County; Amos is a resident of Fountain County; Harriet died unmarried; Belinda, now Mrs. OH Palen live sin Attica. John Martin, since 1832 a resident of the old homestead, grew up on his father's farm and went to the little subscription schools of the immediate neighborhood and was early trained in the useful duties of agriculture which pursuit he has followed with successful continuance ever since. Mr. Martin inherited 160 acres of good land from his father, the most of his valuable property having been gained by his own exertions and prudent care. In 1852 Mr. Martin and Miss Ellen Meharry were united in marriage. Mrs. John Martin was a duaghter of Thomas Meharry a well known citizen and was a most excellent woman and a devoted wife and mother who shared with her husband 400 acres of land. The family of sons and daughters who came into the pleasant home were Rhoda, wife of AC Shermerhorn, resident of the county; T. Ephraim who married Miss Fisher named in hononr of his paternal grandfather; Ida, who married EJ Kirkpatrick; Jesse and Annette, single. Jesse Martin, a popular and energetic business man and efficient cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank in Wingate, was born in FountainCounty Sept 1867 and was 4th child of John & Ellen Meharry Martin. Mr. Martin, who is yet in the early prime of manhood has already made for himself a most honorable record in social life and general business. His father gave him excellent educational advantages, which he industriously improved and well fitted himself for the active and able discharge of the responsible duties of the position he now holds. Mr. Martin attended DePauw University, Greencastle and afterward completed the course of instruction in the Bryant & Stratton Business College at Chicago. Having graduated from the latter institution, he received employment as a clerk in the Citizens ' National Bank in Attica, where he remained two years. In 1891, Mr. Martin engaged in thehardware business which he conducted successfuly until Feb 1892, when he was tendered and accepted the position of cashier in the bank at Wingate. Jesse Martin was married to Miss Lydia E. Thompson, of Fountain County in 1890. His bride is an accomplished and attractive lady, and has a large circle of friends. Mr. Martin is a member of Methodist episcopal Church in whose doctrines he was early trained by his parents who were ever foremost in the good work of that religious organizaiton. He also affilliates with the political party to which both father and son have long given their hearty support. They are ardent Republicans and are deeply interested in national and local issues and the general conduct of public affairs. Jesse Martin is a citizen of today, thoroughly imbued with the progressive spirit of the times and is ever ready to aid and encourage in all public, social and benevolent enterprise. He and his wife are among the prominent factors in the social life of Wingate and its immediate neighborhood.


HW Beckwith History Fountain Co Indiana Chicago: Iddings, 1881 p 252
John S. MARTIN, farmer and stock raiser, Newtown, born in Miami Co, Ohio June 6, 1829 was the son of Ephraim and Rhoda (Sayers) Martin. THe family settled in Richland Twp in 1832 on the place a quarter of a mile east of Mr. Martin's house and now occupied by his son Thomas. He has always lived here on the homestead. In 1852 he marr. Ellen, the daughter of Thomas and Unity MAHARRy. She was b. in Montgomery Co 1833 and her mother in Va in 1802. They have had the following children: Rhoda Unity, b. 1853; Thomas E. 1856; Ida May 1861; Jessie 1867; Annetta 1872 and William 1865 died September 21 of same year. Rhoda Unity is the wife of AC Shermerhorn and Thomas marr. Miss Lizzie Fisher. Thomas Maharry moved here from Ohio in 1828, and after a residence of one year in this township settled over in Montgomery Co where he died a few years since. Mr. Martin's father was b. in 1794 and d 1868; his mother was b in Morgan twp, Greene Co, pa in 1795 and is living with her son, in fair health for a person of her advanced age. Mr. Martin and his wife own an extensive and valuable tract of land, comprising 1,361 acres. Both are Methodists. The former cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Pierce but in 1856 he moined with the republicans and has belonged to that party ever since.

File Created: 2006-Aug-16
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