MARQUESS-Isaac - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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File contributed for use in ©The USGenWeb Archives Project by: Joy Fisher March 19, 2006, 6:09 pm Author: John C. Odell (1916)

ISAAC MARQUESS. Among those men who are eminently entitled to representation in a work of this character is the venerable Isaac Marquess, a retired farmer of Jefferson township, Carroll county. He owns ninety acres of well-improved land in the home farm and is known in the township, where he resides, as a public-spirited citizen, one interested in all good works of whatever character. Mr. Marquess was born on October 23, 1835, in Fountain county, Indiana. He is the son of Charles and Elizabeth Ann (Holmes) Marquess, the former of whom was born in old Virginia and who came to Ohio with his parents, where they remained for a short time and then moved to Fountain county. After coming to Carroll county, he accumulated one hundred and fifty-five acres of land in and near Delphi. He sold thirty acres of this land to his son, Isaac, and afterward disposed of the remainder. He lived to a very advanced age and throughout his life was identified with the Democratic party. Elizabeth Ann Holmes was also a native of old Virginia, who, with her parents, settled in Ohio, where she was married on October 16, 1832. From 1838 to 1854 they lived in Delphi. Charles and Elizabeth Ann (Holmes) Marquess were the parents of eleven children, of whom nine, William, Smith, Samuel, Benjamin Franklin, Orleans Ann, Rebecca, Sarah Jane, Mary Margaret and Martha Ann, are deceased. The living children are Isaac and James Alexander. Isaac Marquess was educated in the common schools. He began life on his own responsibility when twenty-two years old and, for a time, worked for twenty-five cents a day. Later he was engaged in cutting corn by the month at fifteen dollars a month. After that he purchased thirty acres of land from his father, to which he has since added sixty acres. On September 25, 1859, Mr. Marquess was married to Elizabeth Heiny, a daughter of Henry and Magdalena (Schock) Heiny, who was born on November 8, 1840, in Jefferson township. Mrs. Marquess's father, Henry Heiny, who was the eighth child born to Samuel and Barbara (Stern) Heiny, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, September 18, 1809, and died at the home of his son, Isaac Heiny, in Jefferson township, Carroll county, June 30, 1898. He was the last survivor of his father's family and lived to be the oldest in the family. Henry Heiny was married, April 21, 1832, to Magdalena Schock, the daughter of Jacob and Susan (Whistler) Schock. She was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, October 6, 1811, and died on April 10, 1892. In 1837 Henry and Magdalena (Schock) Heiny moved from Wayne county, Indiana, to Carroll county. He was a blacksmith by trade, having served his apprenticeship under his brother, Abraham, in Wayne county. Thirteen children were born to Henry and Magdalena (Schock) Heiny: Anna, born on November 1, 1832, died on September 16, 1833; Susanna, November 1, 1833, died on January 3, 1847; Barbara, July 13, 1836, married James A. Pruitt on March 17, 1857; Magdalena, October 5, 1838, died on October 17, 1838; Esther, October 31, 1839, married John Patten on January 30, 1859; he died on March 12, 1909, and she is also dead; Eliza-eth, November 8, 1840, is the wife of Mr. Marquess; Isaac, January 21, 1843, married Mahala Gates on November 28, 1869; Benjamin, November 21, 1844, died on February 17, 1865; Abraham, June 9, 1847, died on June 27, 1878; Mary Ann, January 25, 1849, married John Million on October 6, 1870; Henry, March 13, 1851, married Sarah Fisher on June 7, 1877, in Delphi; Jacob, September 12, 1852, died on August 30, 1853, and Samuel, November 5, 1854, died on August 31, 1855. By the marriage of Mr. Marquess to Elizabeth Heiny ten children were born, five of whom died in infancy. The living children are Charles, Addie Ann, Oliver, Pearl and Emma. Mr. Marquess is a Democrat in politics, although he has never been active. Mrs. Marquess is a member of the New Dunkard church.

Additional Comments:

Extracted from: Biographical Section of HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY INDIANA ITS PEOPLE, INDUSTRIES AND INSTITUTIONS BY JOHN C ODELL With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families ILLUSTRATED 1916 B. F. BOWEN & COMPANY, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana

File Created: 2006-Aug-16
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