LOEB-Jacob - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Jacob LOEB

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: H. H. Hill, 1881, p 202, 203

Jacob LOEB, merchant, Attica, was born in the state of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, April 15, 1829. He was the third child of a family of ten sons. His father's given name was Benedick, and his mother's maiden name Esther MAAS. When thirteen years of age he began working on a farm, handling grain and cattle, and milling, and spent his time at these various occupations until his emigration to America. In the rebellion of 1848 he served a term of three months in the Hessian army, and fought at Baden-Baden, receiving a severe wound in the right hand, crippling it. Mr. LOEB came to America in 1856. He had been too poor to marry in the fatherland, where a license cost $200, and a man was obliged to prove himself the possessor, in his own right, of a certain amount of property before the government would grant him a passport to the state matrimonial. So, taking his affianced bride, he sought the land of cheap licenses and free divorces, and on his arrival in New York city celebrated his marriage with Miss Esther LAUMAN, who was born December 3, 1827. On reaching La Fayette this plucky couple found themselves without means to continue their journey, but Father DOFFINGER, who had never seen them before, kindly loaned them $2.50 to pay their fare to Attica, where they arrived on the first trial train on the Wabash railroad, run between the two places. Mr. LOEB bought a blind horse for $9, and traveling behind him drove through the country peddling clothing, dry goods and notions. This business he followed four years, quitting it in 1860 with $744. He then went to butchering. After two years he received Jacob LAUMAN into partnership; at the end of a year this firm sold out for $7,050. The firm of S. & J. Loeb & Co. had been previously formed, and Mr. LOEB now gave his attention to the business of this company, in which was his only remaining mercantile interest. About 1864 they associated Isaac LAUMAN with themselves and organized a second partnership, styled Loeb, Lauman & Co. Mr. LOEB has four living children: Leo, born April 14, 1857; Henry, January 22, 1858; Louis, February 15, 1859, and Charley, January 20, 1867. He and his wife belong to the Benai Jeshurun congregation (Jewish church). Mr. LOEB has been an Odd-Fellow two years, and held offices of appointment in the lodge. He is a man of temperate habits, and much respected as a citizen.

File Created: 2007-May-01
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