LOEB-Harmon - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Harmon LOEB

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: H. H. Hill, 1881, p 203 204

Harmon LOEB, merchant, Attica, was born in the state of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, in 1827. He was the second of a family of ten sons, whose parents were Benedick and Esther (MAAS) LOEB. His father was a butcher and cattle dealer, and he was reared in the same business. He received a good education in the common schools of the country. In 1850 Mr. LOEB emigrated to America, and after spending a year each in New York and Pennsylvania, he came west in 1852 and settled in Attica, where he has since made his residence and been in business. The first two years after coming here he peddled goods, and in 1854 opened a clothing store and has continued in this line of trade to the present time, combining merchant tailoring with his business, which is an important feature of it. He carries a large and varied stock, and by his integrity and fair dealing has acquired a high reputation among the people. Mr. LOEB began without means, but in the ordinary course of a prosperous business has become wealthy and respected. He is one of the oldest active business men in the place. Not long since he took his oldest son into partnership under the firm name of H. Loeb & Son. They do a considerable outside business in stock. Mr. LOEB was married in 1855 to Miss Sophia JOSEPH, who was born in 1833, and reared in the same place in Germany with himself. They have an interesting family of ten living children: Levi, born July 25, 1856; Sarah, August 12, 1857; Jennie, June 12, 1859 (deceased); Lebo, February 3, 1862; Samuel, September 3, 1864; Esther, September 1, 1867; Hannah, January 18, 1870; Ben, January 9, 1873; Saul, April 22, 1874; and Josie and Guessie June 6, 1876. Sarah married L. W. JOSEPH, September 20, 1877; they live in Stanberry, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. LOEB belong to the Benai Jeshurun congregation (Jewish church). In 1860 the former became an Odd-Fellow, but is not now an active member. In politics he is an independent democrat.

File Created: 2007-May-01
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