LAYTON-Peter M. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana (Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 610

Peter M. Layton. The stranger who for the first time visits Fountain County and drive supon a pleasant summer morning along the smooth roads of Troy Township will not fail to pause with admiration at the beautiful homestead on Section 10, the property of the subject of this notice. Fields of waving grain meet the eye on every hand, while a commodious residence and substantial farm buildings form the foreground of the pleasant scene. The house, a model of its kind was erected in 1879 and contains 17 rooms, furnished throughout with the most exquisite taste. The owner of this property is a native of NY and was born in 1832. His father, john Layton was born in NJ and at an early age displayed the qualities of thrift which soon led to prosperity in his chosen occupation that of a farmer. He became the owner of 204 acres of well improved land, which through his exertions was brought to a high state of cultivation, with the exception of a small tract. For many years he filled the responsible position of Superintendent of the poor of Broome County NY and his death in 1844 ws mourned alike by rich and poor as an irreparable loss. He was survived by his widow, a native of Vermont and known in her maidenhood as Esther Moody. Her death occurred at the ripe old age of 97. It was during the year 1853 that the subject of this biography came to Fountain County, Ind and embarked in business as a blacksmith. From his father he inherited habits of industry, push and eneterprise, which, coupled with honorable business methods, brought him success. His homestead, now consists of 280 acres and is valued at $50 per acre. In all his work he has received the cooperation of his devoted wife, to whom he attributes not a little of his success. In her girlhood she bore the name of Alvira Adkins, and is a daughter of Granville and Ipsley Osborne Adkins, both natives of Ky. Her father, who was born in 1804, married Miss Osborne on 13 July 1828, and they became the parents of 8 children. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Layton have been born two children: Josephine E, whose birth occurred in 1856 and Ida Esther, who was born in 1864. The former married Sylvester Sprange, and they have 3 children. The latter became the wife of Charles Dochterman and they reside with her parents on the old homestead. In the work of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association Mr. Layton takes an active interest, being identified with it as an influential member. He is a man of stirring and industrious disposiion, interested in all those measures which have for their ultimate object the advancement of his community and he cheerfully gives his aid to all worthy enterprises. In his political opinion he is a Republican, and never fails to cast his ballot for the principles advocated by that party.

File Created: Nov 27, 2007
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