LAYTON-James - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery, Fountain & Parke Counties, Indiana. Indianapolis; Chapman Brothers, 1893. pp 450

James LAYTON resides in Troy Twp, Fountain Co on 97 acres of fine farming land where he was born 11 March 1824 to Joseph and Betsy Layton residents of NJ. The father of our subject moved to NY in 1800, where he married andf ollowed the milling business for a time and then moved west to St. Joe, where he was engaged in farming. He was the father of the following children: John who was born in 1804 and married Miss Rachel Roads, who bore him 11 children; they resided in NY where the husband died. Betsy was born in 1805 became the wife of Alfred Roads, a resident of NY; David, born in NY was married to Miss Bully and followed shoemaking; Polly Ann born 1809 and married Warner Ayan, a resident of Ny and became the mother of 4 children; Aaron who married Miss Balcom and died in NY leaving a family of 5 children; Cornelia who married Charles Cawkin a well-to-do-blacksmith of Ny and who became the father of 5 children; Eliza now the wife of Ralph Burzer a resident of NY; James who was united in marriage to Miss Wilson; Emily who died at the age of 12 and Peter who was married to Miss Adkins, a resident of Fountain County, Ind. THey have two children and are living happily together ofn 400 acres of well-improved land. The wife of our subject, whose maiden name was Sarah, wa sone of 7 children born to Samuel Wilson. She was born in 1838 and after her union with Mrs. Layton became the mother of 4 children; William who was born in 1861 and married Miss Mary Emily Harship who was born in California went in her girlhood days to Nebraska and was united to William Layton in the year 1881; Charles Layton who is a druggist, was married 1882; Emma born 1862; Frank born in 1864 and maried Etta Thompson; Effa born 1871 married to Mr. Drolinger now residents of Valparaiso. Our subject first located on 80 acres of land that was worth about $1350 for which he paid and then entered another 80 acres worth $1800. He farmed on these possession for some time and finally located on 97 acres on which he now resides, and has improved by erecting substantial buildings and cultivating the soil to a good advantage. Mr. Layton and his estimable wife and all the children are active workers in the Baptist Church of this city in which they are all consistent members. Politically he is a stanch Republican and has been since the casting of his first vote. Mr. Layton has witnessed wonderful progress and improvement during the time he has lived here, has been an active factor in local growth and prosperity and has an extended circle of acquaintances who wish him well.

File Created: Oct 14, 2007
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